VI // Colourfull Events.

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I switched off the lights and laid down on my bed to sleep but unfortunately sleep didn't come.

Me and Carter?

Can that really happen?

Considering my pathetic love life, I don't think it can ever.

Shut up Sky! When did you become such a disappointment to yourself?!

I rolled over to the end of my bed to get my mobile and at that very instant it vibrated signaling it received a message.

Talk about the timing.

There was a message from.... Oh Chase .... Why?

Chase: 'It okay to think about me kitty ;) '

Chase Carter attempting to flirt with me?

The night can't get more interesting.

I typed my reply.

Me:' Are you flirting with me? Is it the time for your medications?'

Chase: 'Am I? A good night kiss from you would do ;)'

Save me now! Is this really Chase?!

Me: 'Goodnight kick?'

Chase: 'Now claw me kitty! I would like that! xx'

Me: 'Chase go sleep! Goodnight.'

I blushed unknowingly while I typed this.

Chase: 'Wet dreams kitty xx '

I didn't have it in me to reply after this. What has gotten into him?



"Skylar!" A sultry guy's voice whispers in my ear tickling it with his breath. I rub my ear and smile as I ignore it.

"Kitty, " that same voices whisper in a husky tone now and nimble fingers slide down my waist.

Mmmm.... That feels good.


I jolt out of my sleep and meet those green orbs grinning down at me.

What the hell?

"What are you doing here?" I sit up and demand as I pull my covers tightly around me.

Such a freak!

He chuckles as he plops on the bed by my hips.

What the hell is he doing here? What does he want from me?

"I thought you could put your bed into some good use." He bites his lower lip and his eyes fall on my lips.

Those lips ... Oh god!

"I - how did you get here?" I rasp out as he moves closer.

What is this boy about to do?

"Kiss me!" He purred grabbing my waist. I ducked away and jumped out of the bed.

"What do you think you are doing?" I gasped.

"Why not?"

I have no idea. I mean I really want to feel his lips on mine. But he is Chase freaking Carter and how the hell he got here?

"I don't want us to end up there!" I replied pointing towards bed.

The images that take in are annoyingly pleasant.

Don't give in Skylar!

He smirks at me like he knows what I am thinking and moves closer to me. I step back and back meets the wall.

Chasing The Sky ( #Wattys2016 )Where stories live. Discover now