IV // I've lost it.

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A piece from past...

3 years ago,

23th December 2013,

Chase's POV -

"You can't not invite me to your eighteen-birthday party, sky. " I yelled as she walked ahead of me in the school hallway.

It is her birthday today and she has invited everyone from our class to the celebration of her 18th birthday at some club but she is refusing to give me an invite.

Well, playing hard is more like it.

"No, you do nothing but annoy the hell out of me. I am not inviting you!" She said as she swayed her hips a little extra and walked into girls washroom.

Oh god she is so sexy.

I sighed, a plan already forming in my head to break into her party.

I walked to my locker as I pulled it open to get my books for the next period when a yellow colored paper fell from it.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I picked it up.

Reach the club at 7:00 pm sharp with a huge teddy bear or else no entry!


I smiled to myself as I read the note again. Sky will indeed need some chasing to do.


I reached there sharp at 7:00 pm with a huge teddy as demanded.

Everyone else invited were starting to gather one by one but Skylar had yet to make her grand appearance.

She was always like that wanting to show stop and arrive fashionably late so that every eye can be on her. She liked attention.

And indeed, when she stepped into the club in that red dress of hers, I knew I was gone that very second.

My jaw dropped as I watched her make her way to the middle of the dance floor.

She looked so beautiful, so tempting.

I couldn't tear my eyes away.

"Chase you actually bought teddy for me!" Skylar grinned as she wrapped her arms around me.

"Yeah, your wish is my command!" I smirked as I hugged her back. "Happy birthday sky!" I wished.

After that everyone else surrounded her giving her their gifts and wishes. I just stood their admiring her from the bar counter.

I know I sound like fucking whip! But this how it went.

I was drinking my beer when Skylar approached me already half drunk.

She wasn't even able to stand straight.

"Chase have a round of shots with me!" She slurred tugging on my arm.

"Sky I don't think that would be good for you!"

"Chase don't be a party pooper! I am eighteen now for god sake. Let's enjoy!" She demanded as she ordered tequila shots.

I sighed and decided not to ruin her mood and I took the shots with her. I stopped after two but for her one became two and two became four. I tried to stop her but she wouldn't listen.

After her fifth one I pulled her to the dance floor with me. She was swinging in full mood. Wrapped her arms around my neck and danced like she has no care in the world.

I know if she was in her right senses, she wouldn't be with me right now. She would be dancing with Blake the schools jock just to infuriate me.

There's no doubt I like her and I am waiting for the right time to ask her out.

But does she like me back?

All the thoughts flew out of the window when Skylar grabbed my face with both of her hands and planted her lips on mine.

I was too shocked to move but as her lips started moving, I kissed her back. My lips tingled with the feel of hers.

But before it could get any further than that her arms loosened from around me and she fell on the floor.

She passed out!

24th December 2013,

Sitting on the couch I was going through the speech again and again. Today I am going to finally ask her out as my date to Christmas ball. I heard the groan from the bed.

I quickly stood up from the couch in Skylars bedroom when she pulled out a pillow from under her head and hid her face in it still groaning.

Well, it was obvious after the amount she drank last night.

"My head freaking hurts!" She winced and I chuckled.

"I told you not to drink that much!"

"Hey, what the hell are you doing here Chase?"

"I - "

"Uh... Anyways who bought me back?"

"Your mom picked both of us."

"Shit! I am going to get help from her now."

"Skylar I - " I begin but she again cut me off.

"Last night was a mistake. Everything was mistake. I shouldn't have done that. This would not have happened. Oh god! I would be grounded!" She groaned and my heart fell.

I should have known.

She doesn't feel what I feel for her. Last night, the kiss was all a mistake for her.

Instead of showing any sort of emotions on my face I sat beside her.

"It will be alright, anyways it was birthday! Your mom won't ground you for enjoying it!" I smiled at her as best as I could.

"I hope so!" She said with a frown.

That day I realized that I've lost it!


Skylar's POV -

Chase was there to help me with my hangover. How sweet of him.

There is no doubt I like him. After everything that happened with Tyler, I sort of started developing feeling for him.

I looked over at the huge brown teddy bear beside my bed. He actually bought it.

Last night is a total blur, after the first round of shots I remember nothing. That is why last night was a total mistake. A normal get together with a cake would have been enough.


Right now, I was getting ready. Me and my friends from school were having a little meet up at the beach.

I was quite excited I was going to ask Chase to the Christmas ball. I wanted him to do that but he didn't so I thought why not make a first move.

I drove to the beach and their Chase was dancing around the fire only in his Bermuda shorts looking handsome as always.

I walked towards him.


"Hey Sky!" He said.

"So, what's up?"

"Nothing actually, waiting for Natalie!" He said and I clenched my fists.

"Why?" I asked.

"I wanted to ask her out to the Christmas ball tomorrow night!" He said and my heart shattered.

I should have known.

He does not feel the same way I feel for him. I wanted to be with him. To kiss him under the mistletoe but ...

That moment I realized I've lost it.


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