chapter thirteen

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we spent the rest of the night laying in bed and watching old Disney movies. I remember falling asleep about half way into Mulan. I woke up to Julian moving around in his sleep. I looked around and it was still pitch dark in the room. it was as if I hadn't even opened my eyelids. for some reason I get really scared when I'm in a room where I can't see anything because I have this constant crushing fear that something terrible is about to happen (if you know what that's from, I love you). it's not that I'm scared of the dark, I'm just scared of what's IN the dark. something about not knowing what is going on around me scares me. it's not that bad if I'm in a room with a little light from the window, or a clock or something. but no, it was 100% dark in this room. I leaned over and clicked on my phone so it would display the time; it read 2:50 am. I clicked it off and looked around. the room seemed to have gotten darker. I started to panic. I felt my heart-rate speed up and my breaths started getting shorter. I began to feel extremely claustrophobic; it felt like the walls were closing in on me. Julian moved in his sleep again and I panicked. I got out of bed and ran to the bathroom. I flicked the light on and sat down in the bathtub and immediately started crying. within minutes, Julian walked into the bathroom and sat down next to me. "hey," he said in a sleepy voice, "are you okay?" I looked at him,  it the tears in my eyes blurred my vision. "hey, what happened? talk to me."

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