Still Kicking, Still Alive (20)

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I look up at Autumn from the ground. It's pitch black outside but I can still see her tear-filled eyes. She crouches down to face me and I watch as she places her soft hand on my cheek. Her eyes scan my face before meeting my eyes.

"How long?"

Her eyes widen and she wraps her arms around my neck, resting her head on my shoulder. I put my arms around her waist and pull her as close as possible.
"I'm so sorry. I had no idea." She mumbles into my shirt. I shake my head,
"No one does. It's not your fault at all."
I feel her body shake as she cries into my shoulder.

As its dark out, we decide to head back to her house. As we walk we past some people, I notice Autumn walk closer to me and I grab her hand and intertwine her fingers with mine.
"It's okay," I say into her ear.

We finally get to Autumn's house and it's silent. Autumn checks the house but it seems like Sid isn't home. We enter her bedroom and she lets me lay in her bed. She watches me. Her eyes scanning my face. I know she's looking at my bruises.
"I'm fine." I mumble. She places her hand on the side of my face.
"I wish that was true."

I'm startled awake, looking at the clock I see it's 4am. I sigh and lean back down. I had another nightmare. I look down to see Autumn's head on my chest and I look at her, peacefully asleep.
I lie awake. Listening to the wind outside. That's all there is to hear at this time.

"Why are you awake?" I look down to see Autumn looking up at me. I smile at her,
"Can't sleep." I reply, she nods,
"Me neither."
She sits up and stares out the window, I watch her as her face is illuminated by the moon and the dark blue sky. She looks beautiful. Her long blonde hair falls perfectly down her back and I admire her.

I finally sit up to join her, sitting slightly behind her and placing my hands on her fragile frame. She turns to smile at me and points out the window,
"The birds are already coming out." She says, I reply with a groan and she laughs. Oh how I love her laugh. She turns to face me and our eyes meet, but the moment is quickly over when we hear the loud slamming of the door. She jumps and neither of us move a muscle. We hear moving around downstairs,
"It's probably just Sid," I tell her, "nothing to be worried about."
She then stands up, walking towards her bedroom door,
"Where are you going?"
"Downstairs, to check." She tells me, and reaches for the door handle.
"Not without me, you're not."

I follow her downstairs and I stay close behind her.
"Autumn?" We are instantly relieved by the sound of Sid's voice and I hear Autumn let out a sigh.
"We thought you were an intruder." She tells him, laughing slightly.
"We?" He questions. I enter the kitchen to see them both standing there, "Oh, Corey, hey." Sid looks almost disappointed that I'm here. I just nod at him before sitting on the counter.

I watch Autumn sigh as she looks at all the piled up mail she has on the table. She rummages through it, telling us that it's all junk but then she stops on one letter. Picking up the letter she stares at it quizzically before tearing the envelope open and reading it. She begins to smile as she reads it. I hope to God it's not from a guy. She hands the letter to Sid once she has finished,
"It's from Ava." She tells him. His eyes widen upon hearing this and reads it.

She hops off the counter where she's sitting and walks towards me,
"We should go back to bed," she tells me, taking both my hands into hers. I can feel Sid eying me from the corner of my eye. I nod and turn around to see Sid give me an unfriendly look. I just turn back to see Autumn walking out, and I follow her back to her room.

I wake the next morning to the sound of the birds outside, I sit up to see Autumn still asleep but I get up anyway. Making my way downstairs I see Sid in the living room,
"Morning," I say to him, "you alright?"
"Yeah, fine." He tells me.

I walk into the kitchen and see Autumn's letter lying in the same spot Sid left it last night. I don't think before picking it up.

I haven't heard from or about you for a while.
Your parents told me your new address and since they have no phone number for you either, I had to write to you.
It's been so long, we need to see each other again. There's not a day I haven't thought about you ever since you left after finishing university, one day we were best friends, then the next you were gone.
I really do miss you, and Lucas. I hope I'll see you guys soon.
Text me,
Ava x

She left her phone number and address at the bottom. I realise that Autumn never spoke about any friends or family or ever going to university, tough years for her maybe. Even reading the name Lucas makes me feel sick, this Ava still thinks they're together? I wonder if she knows how much of a scumbag he is. Placing the letter back down, I walk into the living room. Sid looks at me, and doesn't say anything. He just continues watching what's on the tv.
"Sid, man, you can't avoid me forever." I sigh,
"Who said I was avoiding you? I'm just a little...a little sad, okay?" He stresses.
I sigh deeply and lean back in my chair,
"I'm sorry." He just nods.

I go back upstairs, a little confused about Sid but I decide to just give him space. Reaching Autumn's room I see she's sat up, looking out the window,
"Hey, honey."
"Pet names, hey?" She raises an eyebrow and I just laugh.
"Only for you," I wink, and she wraps her hands around my neck. I feel my breath hitch as her face gets close to mine,
"I like it," she mumbles against my lips. I smile and she returns it before kissing me gently.


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