The Solemn Hypnotic (4)

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Sid, Corey and I walk out of the house, towards the cars.

"Woah, bikes?" Corey says quietly, studying mine and Sid's motorbikes slowly,
"Yep," I smile,

We all get into Corey's car, Sid and him sitting in the front and me in the back. Corey begins to drive us somewhere, I still have no idea where. It's silent in the car for the majority of the journey, which is very rare when Sid's around. We're all just busy with our own thoughts.

"Who do you think will get there first?" Sid begins a conversation with Corey,
"Mick, for sure," he replies. I see Sid smiling as he nods.

We finally arrive at a bar, I raise an eyebrow at Sid as I'm not the type to hang around in bars,
"Come on," Sid says, opening the door to where I'm sitting, I step out,
"What a gentleman," I smirk, causing Sid to laugh as we walk towards the entrance.

Once we get in I smell the strong stench of alcohol in the air and wince a little. As I walk with Corey to sit down, Sid runs off to get drinks. I notice a couple of drunken men looking towards me, smirking, winking, pointing to me, I insecurely cross my arms across my body and look down.
"Hey, you alright?" Corey asks, his hand on my back and leaning his head so it's level with mine. I nod slightly and he smiles. I feel him looking up to meet eyes with the men looking at me, I hear him quietly sigh understandingly.

Sid comes back with drinks, I don't feel like drinking mine though. We hear the loud laughing at the entrance and sure enough, Mick and Jim walk in, followed by the rest of the guys. I feel safer surrounded by guys I know, I feel as though the men have stopped looking too.
A couple of hours pass and most of the guys are drunk. Luckily Corey, Mick and Craig aren't because they're driving home. I start to feel a bit bored so I walk outside to get some air. I sit on a bench opposite the bar, shoving my hands into the pockets of my jacket.

"You okay?" I look up to see Mick standing in front of me, smiling. I nod slowly,
"Yeah, just came out for a bit of air," I tell him. He nods and sits next to me on the bench.
"I'm thinking of leaving soon, the other guys will probably stay longer but I'll drive you home if you want?" He offers,
"Thank you, but I think I'll just walk home,"
"You sure?" I sense slight concern in his voice but I nod to him to reassure him I'll be fine. He smiles and begins to stand up to walk back to the bar,
"You should tell them you're leaving," I nod and follow him in.
"Autumn, you should go with Mick, or at least walk home with one of us," Corey tells me, I sigh realising it's probably a bad idea to walk home by myself at night.

Corey walks next to me and we just stay in silence. I feel a little uncomfortable with him as I realise I should've gone with Mick, who I trust more. I shake the negative thoughts from my mind and concentrate on the thought of getting home and going to bed.

"So what do you do?" He says suddenly,
"Like hobbies, talents, anything like that?" I think for a second.
"I'm not too interesting," I smirk, "I like video games, reading and music." He nods, smirking back,
"Didn't think you'd be the video game type," I smile in response and we return to silence.

When we finally arrive at my house, I sigh slightly,
"What's up?"
"Nothing," I chuckle, "I just don't feel like sleeping yet, I think I'll just walk around for a bit," I say, looking towards the woods opposite the house. He follows my eyes and raises his eyebrows,
"You want me to go with you?"
"I don't mind, I'll be fine either way."
"You're crazy," he laughs, "you want to walk in the woods at this time?" I just simply shrug,
"Well, why not?" I reply. He shakes his head smiling and we begin to walk.
"Much better than staying at the bar, anyway," I hear him say quietly to himself.

Hi everyone! I'm sorry I haven't updated for so long! I didn't include the typical "incident at the bar" cliché in this chapter since it is done a lot in fanfiction, I hope you're enjoying the story so far!!

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