The Other Me is Dead (1)

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I sigh loudly as I pull into the driveway to my house, three other cars were parked near meaning Sid's friends were over. Sid has been my best friend since we were young, we've lived together for years, but I've never really met his friends, as we usually arranged for them to come over when I was out, hence why it's such a surprise they're here now. I lock the car and ring the doorbell, as annoyingly I forgot my house keys.

The door opens to reveal a tall guy with dark hair,

"Oh, hey," he says, I smile and go to walk in, but he stops me before I could step one foot in the house. "Who are you?"

"I'm Autumn," I say. He gives me a blank expression, "I live here?" His eyes widen in realisation and steps to the side to let me in. I shake my head in disbelief and go to walk upstairs.

"Uh, I'm Mick, by the way," He says, scratching the back of his neck.

"Nice to meet you," I smile, before running upstairs so no one else could talk to me. I shove my headphones in and try to ignore the loud noises from downstairs.

After about an hour passes and out of the corner of my eye I notice my door slowly opening, it reveals Sid behind it and I pull my headphones off.

"Hey, you alright?" He asks,

"Yeah, you?" He nods, he looks at me for a couple of seconds,

"Join us downstairs? I've ordered pizza,"

"No, its fine," I say, he sighs, he's always wanted me to become friends with them so we wouldn't have to avoid me being there when they are.

"Alright, but come down when the pizza gets here, alright? I don't wanna be bringing it up to you." He says, shutting the door before I could reply.


I hear the doorbell ring a couple of times, evidently Sid must be expecting me to answer the door and pay for the pizza. I sigh, and run downstairs. I go to open the door when I hear someone walk up behind me,

"Oh, I'll do that," He says, I look into his blue eyes and nod in thanks. I stand with him, not bothering to join the other guys. He pays the guy and closes the door.

"You coming in?" He asks, gesturing to the living room. I think about it, but nod anyway, I guess I can't hide away from them forever. He walks a couple of steps behind me and I feel his breath on my neck,

"My name's Corey by the way," He says quietly into my ear,

"Autumn" I reply, before we are greeted by the others.


New story yay! I'm leaving to travel Europe in two hours so I thought I'd post a new story to see if anyone will actually read it. I'll be writing while I'm away and just post a ton of chapters when I get back!


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