Aphid Attraction (2)

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The guys look up upon seeing Corey walk in alongside me with a large box. I sit down next to Sid, feeling a bit awkward as all eyes are on me.

"One of your girls, Corey?" One of them says, I raise an eyebrow watching to see what Corey will reply.
"No," he laughs, shaking his head as he sits down. The guys all look around, expecting someone to say something about why I'm here.
"Oh, this is Autumn, she's the one I live with," Sid explains, they all give an understanding nod, I suppose Sid has spoken about me before.

Soon all the pizza is finished and I lay with my head on Sid's lap with my feet hanging over the arm of the sofa. I listen as the guys start to discuss their latest album,

"So we go on tour around May, yeah?" Mick says, I look up upon hearing this, Sid hadn't even mentioned it to me. He looks at me in realisation that he had forgotten all about it,

"Oh, fuck, Autumn will you be alright on your own?" Sid asks me,
"Yeah, of course, I've stayed here while you've been gone loads of times." The guys all look at me as I sit up in my seat.
"Why don't you come with us?" Corey suggests.
"Oh, no, I'll be fine! It's not the first time it's happened," I say.

"No, come with us, Aut, you haven't been on your own for a long period of time before, I would worry," Sid says, looking at me,
"I'll think about it," I say, they nod and continue with their conversation.

I must have drifted off to sleep as a couple of hours have passed and most of the guys have gone home except Corey, Jim and Mick. We're just sitting on sofa's, Mick and Sid drinking while Corey, Jim and I sit in front of the tv, not really paying attention to it.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Autumn, I've been told a lot about you," Jim smiles at me,
"Nice to meet all of you, too," I say, smiling back at both him and Corey.

I look behind to see Sid leave the room, I feel a little bit uncomfortable that he's left me by myself with his friends but I decide to just ignore the fact I'd never spoken to these guys in my life and try to have a conversation.
"So how come we've never seen you before?" Jim asks, luckily starting conversation so I don't have to think of something to say.

"I guess I've just never been around when you have, Sid always tells me when you guys are here so I try to avoid coming home to give you space so I don't cause you any trouble," I say,

"That's very kind of you," he laughs, "but it's not like you're a problem, I'm sure none of us would mind you being around." I smile as he says this, and I see Corey nodding beside him,

"Yeah, you don't need to worry about us being here, if anything we're the ones to cause you trouble, not the other way round," Corey grins.

"Thank you," I smile,

"No problem at all, Autumn," Jim replies, speaking for both Corey and himself.
I stand up to take our empty plates and pizza boxes into the kitchen, I notice someone following behind me.

"Do you need any help?" Corey's voice fills the air as I place down the objects I was holding. I shake my head,

"It's fine, thank you, though." I smile, he nods, turning to look at the pictures Sid and I have pinned on our cork board. I smile as I see him laugh slightly to himself at some of the photos of Sid, and some of us both.

"I've never seen these before," he says, running his fingers over the pictures,

"Yeah, we thought it'd be a nice thing to do, I suppose, our house is way too boring," I say, while washing up the used plates. He laughs softly and sits by the breakfast bar. I feel him looking at me but choose to ignore it and carry on with what I'm doing.

"Having fun, Corey?" I hear Jim laugh as he says this, walking into the room.

"Hm? Oh, uh, I was just..."

"I get it," Jim interrupts, I blush slightly. He gives me a small smile as he walks out of the kitchen with Corey.

Once I've finished I return to the living room to see Sid and Jim playing video games, I smile as I sit down to watch.

"Corey?" Jim says, not bothering to see who had just entered the room,

"Autumn," I correct him, laughing.

"Oh!" He laughs, "where's Corey then?"

"No clue, I thought he was with you," I reply. He shrugs and continues with the game.

By midnight, Jim had beat Sid at every game they played,

"You're just crap at everything, I'm afraid," Jim smirks,

"No, I just let you win," Sid says, I shake my head laughing as they carry on arguing like little boys. I walk into the kitchen again to get a glass of water when I notice Corey and Mick sitting there,

"Alright?" Mick asks,

"Yeah, fine, you?" I reply, he nods and I look towards Corey to see him sitting with his head in his hands. I give Mick a concerned look,

He just shrugs and I nod, before walking out to leave them. I go to walk upstairs before being stopped,

"Don't go without saying goodbye!" Jim laughs, touching my arm. I laugh slightly, and he hugs me.

"It was good to meet you," he says,

"You too," I say, pulling away from the hug. Jim smiles before walking to the kitchen to say goodbye to Corey and Mick. As he leaves Sid informs me that Corey is staying the night, I nod before walking upstairs to go to bed.

Hello! I'm in Italy as I write this, but I can't sleep so I decided to write a longish chapter, please tell me what you think!

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