4-How To Save A Life (part 4)

Start from the beginning

"Why does this happen to us?" PJ asked.

I shook my head slowly, doing my best not to get more emotional.

Out of nowhere, I had this burning feeling in my chest. I couldn't breathe.

I struggled to move and make any sound. I flailed my arms a bit and eventually got him out of his dream world.

I motioned to my best and my throat, showing him that I was having trouble breathing.

"Oh shit!" PJ yelled and took out his phone dialing 999.

"Yes hello?! Yeah my wife has cancer and can't breathe WE NEED SOMEONE!" He shouted threw tears. He gave the operator The name of the park and my name.

"They are on their way, baby. Hold on for me."

I nodded, trying to not freak out any more. I could feel my throat starting to close tightly. My chest struggling to move.

PJ got bending me and started to push my wheelchair to the side walk.

"No matter what happens, I love you with all my heart and I will always love you." He said and kisses my temple, holding my head in his arms. "Please, please stay with me, don't close your eyes."

My eyes were getting heavy and my head starting to drift off. I felt woozy and extremely tired. Then it happened.

I was gone.

Everything fell dark. I could still faintly hear PJ telling me he loved me and that he was so sorry. I felt his hand interlock with mine and a warm kiss placed on my forehead. "See you soon, my love." He cried.

I blacked out completely.


I woke in a hospital bed with PJ, Sophie, Dan, Phil, Chris, Louis, Dr. Katilyn, and a nurse standing around me.

PJ was still griping my hand.

My eyes slowly flickered open. PJ gasped.

"Hey princess." He whispered and kissed my hand.

I knew exactly what was going on.

I was dying early.

"Mrs. Liguori, we are afraid-" the nurse said.

I put my hand up. Palm facing them. Signaling them to stop. She stopped and gave me a weak smile.

I looked at PJ and mouthed "pencil and paper?"

He reached into my bag and got out a sketch pad and a pin and handed them to me.

I took them and begun to write.

"I know exactly what's going on. Please make the doctors leave. I can do this myself." I handed it to PJ.

"She said that she knows what is Happening and she would appreciate it if you two would leave."

"Yes, I'm very sorry." Dr. Katilyn said. They both walked out of the room.

I started to write again.

"I'm really going to miss you lot. I just want you all to know that I love you dearly." I handed it to PJ and he repeated it out loud.

Everyone individually accept PJ said their emotional goodbyes and hugged me and such they all made their way out of the room so PJ and I could say our final goodbyes before I closed my eyes for good and ended this pain for all.

"my husband, I love you so very much. Please keep your head up for me. Let another girl one day feel the loving light I've felt since the day first I meet you. Please." I wrote and handed to him.

"I love you more than you could ever comprehend, my darling. I would say I love you to the moon and back, but that isn't far enough, I could say I love you to Pluto and back, not far enough either. I love you to the ends of creation and I always will." He cried. I cried. We were a mess.

My eyes started to get heavy, my body in feel pain, a machine started to beep rapidly. I knew what this meant. It was my time.

I cupped PJ's face and somehow was granted the strength to whisper roughly and brokenly.

"So long, my tiny planet explorer. I will see you soon" I croaked.

I dropped my hand Back to my chest and my eyes finally shut, no longer able to hold them up. I heard the machines let out a loud continuous beep and a loud cry from PJ. He screamed and cried until I could no longer tell anything around me.

I had lost my battle for good.

Goodbye, my love. I will be home soon.

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