Chapter 1: The Runaway

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Narrator's P.O.V.

Long ago, the kingdom and other villages nearby lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Hawkmoth gang attacked.

The crime rate in the kingdom increased and the villagers were left helpless. The gang was satisfied with their victory defeating the village,but they desired more.

The gang decided to go after the kingdom. The Queen and the king were miraculers in secret. They ruled the kingdom by day and protected it by night.

15 years ago, the Queen gave birth to the prince. Prince Adrien. On his fifteenth birthday, Adrien was given a black ring with powers. Since that day, he never took his powers for granted.

The Hawkmoth gang successfully took down the guards. All that was left was the royal family. Queen Adrianna and King Gabriel place their son in the panic room,so he could be protected. Adrien always found a way out.

Queen Adrianna and King Gabriel transformed into their alter egos. Madame Peacock and Wish Master! They fought off some members of the gang,but they kept on coming.

Adrien wanted to help his parents, but he needed a way out. He transformed into his secret alter ego.

"Plagg Claws out" he said.

Chat Noir used one of his claws to open the door. Then he snuck out into the night.

The Hawkmoth Gang was almost at victory when another gang appeared. The Fu Gang was made of ninja warriors In green attire. The Fu gang took out the some of the members in the Hawkmoth gang. Now it was only the Queen vs the Fu gang, while the King was dealing with the other gang.

''Help!'' yelled Madame Peacock. The Fu gang was getting away, and they were taking her with them.

Chat Noir came out of no where and saw his mother in danger.

''Don't worry Mom, I won't let go. I promise'' Chat Noir said as he was trying to hold on to the escape vehicle.

The young leader of the Fu's, is Master Fu. He spotted Chat Noir hanging on to the side of the getaway car. He tickled Chat Noir so he could let go. Eventually, he let go seeing his mother disappear into the woods.

His father came in running from behind.

''Adrien, I managed to fight off the other gang! Where's your mother?'' Wish Master said.

''She's gone!'' Chat Noir whispered.

''What do you mean she's gone!' Wish Master said with his voice raising.

''I'm sorry! I did my best.'' Chat Noir said.

''Well your best wasn't good enough! I never want to see you again!''  Wish Master said outraged.

Chat was heartbroken. He stared into his father's angry eyes and ran off into the woods.

(Days Later)

Gabriel resigned from being King, days later after the disappearance of his wife and his son. He decided to become the leader of the Hawkmoth gang, so he can have his revenge and get his wife back.

The kingdom still needed a ruler and so they elected the most trustworthy family in the entire village.

The Dupain-Cheng(s)

They gathered all their belongings and moved to the castle.

Now they are called:

King Tom

Queen Sabine

And their daughter

Princess Marinette.

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