.: I'm back.. again! :.

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Note: This chapter is really long... oops

Hey guys, it's Joey. I recently just woke up from a nap and i decided to finally write a decent chapter for you all! First things first, I just wanted to thank you all so much for the support you have given me. When i first uploaded the chapter about me being offline and going on vacation, you all supported me and wished me the best time and I never expected to receive so much love. Same situation a few hours ago, when i posted the last chapter you were all excited and happy to hear from me again and it honestly made me smile. I love you all so much <3 :'^)

Since many people have asked me, yes I had a fun time with my mom and a great vacation as well. I can't really explain how it all went and what made me enjoy it but the fact that i was able to just hang out with someone i care about for a whole month was incredible. I know some of you might be confused on why I was so excited to hang out with my mom but all i can say is due to personal issues, I don't always get the chance to hang out with my parents.. Most of summers consist of me sitting down on my couch watching Netflix and eating everything in my kitchen. Which is one of the reasons why i was excited to leave my house for a while and explore the world lol.

So a few things I wanted to cover up about myself is that:
- I cut my hair [Bye bye long hair Joey. Hello handsome new haircut Joey. Don't mind me, just being my awkward self! :^) ]
- I would post a selfie of myself with my new haircut, but number one I suck at taking selfies and number two I am not confident enough to share my face with the world so sadly I won't post a face reveal anytime soon.
- Fun Fact: I actually never tried Starbucks in my entire life. But during my vacation i did. It wasn't that bad tbh but i prefer my coffee :>
- I have never gone in a plane before and when I did I threw up. The person sitting next to me didn't like me after that.. :^(
- I also have a new art style! [But I'm pretty sure you guys already knew that lmao]
- I go back to school next week. R.i.p me, Go to my funeral please
- And a bunch of other stuff that im to lazy to list because this chapter is already long enough.

OH I FORGOT TO MENTION, the drawing from the last chapter was drawn ages ago. I was supposed to head back home in the beginning of July before independence day [and that was when i drew the drawing] but our flight was canceled so instead of waiting hours for another plane to arrive, my mom decided to stay a couple of weeks until now.

Anyways i feel like i need to end the chapter here and to stop rambling about unimportant stuff. Here's a new drawing I did right after i woke up from a nap. Ill be back later, I need some coffee :>

 Ill be back later, I need some coffee :>

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.
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