.: Welcome :.

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Hey, welcome to my first art book. My name is Coffee-Beans but you can call me Joey. I recently joined Wattpad like a few days ago and I have no idea what I'm doing but I'm gonna start off by posting an art book since my buddy, SergeantSprinkles kept bothering me to do one since she 'likes' my art even though I don't tbh.

Anyways, before I show you some horrible art here are some things about me and such;

- I don't take requests so don't ask.

- I do art trades but only when I want to.

- I mainly draw animals like cats, dogs, bunnies, etc. Because I suck at drawing people.

- The art programs I use are FireAlpaca and my rusty, dusty sketchbook that is sitting somewhere in my room.

- You are allowed to draw my horrible characters but just ask me and send me a message or something so I could see it.

- If you're gonna use my art (Which I doubt anyone would) please give me credit and don't steal it.

I guess that's pretty much it. Here's a sucky, sketchy drawing of my character Jay.

Bye! :>

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Bye! :>

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