Random Post #1 : Suicide Squad

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I honestly can't wait to watch Suicide Squad. I just found out about it this year and I will starting now be a fan or it forever and always.

I can't wait to watch Jared and Margot play the best couple in comic book history. I'm sure they will do an awesome job as will Cara and Joel and Karen and Viola and Will and Jai and Jay and Adewale and Adam and obviously David Ayer will show is spectacular directing talents.

 I'm sure they will do an awesome job as will Cara and Joel and Karen and Viola and Will and Jai and Jay and Adewale and Adam and obviously David Ayer will show is spectacular directing talents

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These characters and this movie has changed my life over the last 6 months. Looking up spoilers and pictures and videos. It's gonna be hard to say goodbye to that and to actully watch the movie.

I mean like I said before the cast is awesome and the characters are awesome

I literally say everyday that every single little thing about it is awesome

So guys please enjoy Suicide Squad for me.

Dear Suicide Squad movie,

I can't believe I'm saying this but you just might be my favorite movie. The funny thing is you haven't even arrived in theaters yet. You are a mixture of a twisted, cute, cool, funny, interesting and awesome things. I only wish I could write a movie that is half as good. You have the best characters and everything thing I enjoy inn a movie. Just when I think you can't get any better you do. You are truly and inspiration. I will try not to cry while I watch your beauty unfold. I will forever and always be a fan. Thank you for all you've done for me.

Lots of love,

ChloeGraceMoretzFan ♦♥:-)

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