The second weird thing was the fact that my bedding was not white. I hated white. Every single piece of white. I could get blood on it way to easy. That is why I prefer the black, and wait...

I tucked my arms out from under the duvet and saw my hoodie was gone. My arms were exposed! This could not be happening. Anybody could see it! Help me!

"You're awake?"

I pulled my arms back under the cover so quickly that I caught one of my bracelets on the duvet and hear a very distinct rip as Blake entered the room and walked over to the bed. I yanked my arm again; getting it loose this time, but not without making another faint ripping sound in what had to be his crisp white duvet.

I must have looked mortified because Blake casually said: "Don't worry. That's an old duvet. You should see on the other side. There's a huge rip where I got caught in the duvet while I was sleeping. My foot hooked when I tried to jump out of bed when I woke up."

I'm not horrified about the rip! This is what I wanted to yell, but there was no way that I could tell him that I was terrified that he might have seen the artwork on my arms.

"Did you sleep okay?" Blake asked as he sat down on the bed, making me over a little bit so that he could wedge onto the bed next to me. Not knowing how to respond I just nod my head.

"You were pretty bumped up when I found you. What happened?" This time worry started playing in his eyes, looking me up and down as if he had x-ray eyes that could see injuries he might not have been able to see earlier when he obviously undressed me. Well, maybe he just took off my hoodie, but to me that was undressing me completely. My hoodie hid everything that I found personal and sacred about myself. It was my safe space. Not for others to enter into.

"You're not going to answer me, hey?" Blake asked. "Well, I can quickly draw you a bath. You still have a bit of dirt in your hair."

I looked up at him thankfully. He had no idea how I was feeling. And truth be told, being outside in rain and weather for who knows how long made you feel a bit dirty. I nodded and watched as he stood up and left the room. I took this moment to scan the room for my hoodie, finding it on the ground near the door. Sprinting to get it made me almost fall my teeth out but it was worth it as I pulled on the second sleeve just as Blake entered the room again.

"Aren't you supposed to be undressing?"

The look in my eyes must have been throwing daggers, but he obviously took it the wrong way as he said: "Okay. That is so not what I meant. I just meant your bath will be ready in a minute or two."

I really had to relax around Blake. But there was no way to do that as I watched him shuffling through his closet, me just standing there with no idea what to do.

Soon however, he emerged with a towel.

"Everything else is in the bathroom," Blake said with a smile as he gave me the towel. "Just toss your clothing out the door when you undress and I will get it into the washing machine. There's no way you can wear that again before it's washed."

For the first time I looked down. My jean was full of dirt everywhere, just like my hoodie that I was so eager to put on again. A sigh almost escaped my lips as I thought how it would have been if I had to explain this at home. Home. How was I going to explain not coming home last night? Maybe I didn't have to? Maybe I could just climb under Blake's bed and refuse to come out from under for the rest of my life? Live like an elf under Blake's bed. That might work.

"So, are you going for that bath? Just follow the sound of the water. I will get the clothes from you now." Gosh, he had the warmest smile.

I had the weird urge to hug Blake, but instead I made myself turn around and follow the sound of the water to the door right across from his room. After I closed the taps and looked longingly towards the bubbles and steaming water I stripped my clothing, pushing it out the door, and then closing and locking it just for good measure. Blake might be cute, but it's not like I really know him. For all I know he could still be a psyco.

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