Chapter 16: A Bumpy Ride..

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Chapter 16: A Bumpy Ride..

Felix Kjellberg

"Oh.. I.. I'm okay.." I paused a bit, stumbling on my words.

"You sure?" Mark asked, seeming genuinely concerned.

"Yeah." I nodded quickly.

"Okay.." Mark replied. "Looks like we've got another long ass journey getting to New Jersey." He sighed.

"Another? How many damn journeys have you guys been on?" Rebecca scoffed a little, glancing across at Mark in a bit of amusement.

"Not many, but when we have, they've been pretty long." Mark explained.

"So is 16 hours the longest journey you've done?" Rebecca inquired.

"Nope, we've gone way longer than that." I stated, a small smile on my face. "Our longest one was one hell of a journey."

"It took us about 27 hours just to get to Mississippi." Mark declared.

"Goddamn." Rebecca stifled a small laugh, "Can't even begin to imagine the shit you must've done to get to Mississippi."

"Let's just say a lot happened on that journey." I smiled a little, shaking my head.

"How did you manage to get past the sobriety checkpoint? They're quite protected and the place is rigged with hidden cameras." Rebecca smirked slightly, a bit confused.

"Mark thought up a wild and wacky idea and we nearly died." I responded casually, crossing my arms.

"Ah shut up! You still lived you asshole." Mark remarked jokingly, keeping his focus on the road.

We were alarmed by Sean's input. "Wait.. Did you say that the checkpoint was rigged with hidden cameras?"

Rebecca nodded awkwardly.

"Fuck! That means they know what we look like.. We didn't wear masks or anything, even if it was pitch black and the lighting was terrible, mine and Mark's hair are fucking brighter than a lighthouse beacon!" Sean exclaimed in concern.

"Anyone can have green or red hair Sean." Mark retaliated calmly.

"Mark, we were youtubers before we became criminals, we may have erased most of our online existence, but what if a fan of ours has reported our names to the police, then what?!" Sean retorted, making quite a valid point.

"Surely they can't get to us? This car has a fake number plate and there's no way they're able to track our whereabouts." I butted in, trying to calm the situation at hand.

"Look, we're just gonna have to be very careful as to where we venture from now on. I don't want to be bunged up in jail because we made a stupid mistake." Sean replied.

"Well, how long ago was it when you were surpassing that checkpoint?" Rebecca questioned, seemingly trying to put together some logic.

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