Chapter 11 Goodbye...

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On the car ride home we talked. Soon we got home. We were all staying at Ellie's house. Hello girls! Her mother said. ''Hi.'' We said. We walked to her room. She sighed. ''Guys I'm super sorry." She said. "It's fine." We said. "I have a friend there, so at least I won't be lonely." She said. "That's good, what's their name?" I asked."Sabrina" she said. "Oh" I said. We watched a movie. Soon I fell asleep. I woke up. I was still in my clothes from last night. I rubbed my eyes and yawned. They were still asleep. I went to the living room. "Morning Lauren" Her mother said. "Morning" I said with a smile. "When will you be moving?" I asked.

"Tommrow dear" She said. "Oh okay" I said. "Would you like some breakfast?" She asked. "Yes please" I said. "Okay, what would you like?" She asked. "Pancakes" I said. "Alright they'll be done in a few minutes." She said. "Okay thanks." I said. I sat down on the couch.
I heard footsteps. "Good morning" Scarlett said. "Morning" I said. She sat down beside me. "So, when is she leaving?" She asked. "Her mom told me tommrow." I said with a frown. "That sucks" She said. "Yep" I said. Soon Ellie came down and we ate breakfast. After we ate, we planned to go for dinner at 8pm. I went home until 8pm.

"Hey sweetie" Mom said. "Hi" I said. I went to my bedroom. I got on my phone. I had a text from Chandler.

Chandler: Hey I have to go to comic con tommrow so..I won't be able to talk to u for three days.

Lauren: Aww I'll miss you! <3

Chandler: I'll miss you 2! I have to go pack! Luv u so much babe! I'll call you when I get there! <3

Lauren: Okay bye! Love u more! Have fun! <3

I turned off my phone. Soon it was 7:20. I picked this out.

I wore it with high heels

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I wore it with high heels. I put on mascara,eyeliner and foundation.  I wore my hair like this.

  I wore my hair like this

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Soon I was ready. I heard a knock on the door. I opened it. It was Ellie. "Hey! You look beautiful!" She said. "Thanks you too" I said. We got in the car. Soon we arrived at the place. We found a seat and ordered our drinks. We talked a bit. We ordered our food. Soon we ate and left.

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