Part II: Chapter V

Start from the beginning

"Because I want to meet him!"

Silas and I were currently on our way to the city, walking through the barren wasteland under the scorching noon day sun. I'd tried to get Silas to stay at the camp, but he insisted on coming with me for some reason.

Soon enough, we were coming up on the giant wall surrounding the city, and we slipped through the hole in the wall quickly before anyone noticed. To try and blend in, I'd tucked the majority of my hair under a black beanie in case anyone recognized my white hair from somewhere. Silas had protested for a while, but eventually I managed to convince him to pull a dark grey skull cap over his bright magenta hair.

I weaved through a few alleyways with Silas in tow until I saw a bright red head of hair by our meeting spot.

I ran up behind him, jumping on his back and covering his eyes.

"Guess who?" I whispered in his ear.

Somehow, he got me off of his back and began to spin me in circles, holding me bridal style.

"Aww, you guys are so cute!" screeched Silas wiping a fake tear from his eye.

His voice caused Jasper to stop suddenly and look at me questioningly.


"Oh right," I said, climbing out of Jasper's arms, "Silas this is Jasper, Jasper this is Silas."

They stiffly shook hands before backing away from each other again, eyes never moving away from each other. I will never understand how guys can hate each other right off the bat. With girls it usually takes at least one cat fight or particularly nasty insult.

"Okay...umm...Silas you can go now," I said, taking Jasper's hand in my own to try and get him to relax a little bit.

Silas glared at Japer and growled, "Hurt her and I hurt you," before disappearing into the mass of bodies milling around the outer sector.

A moment of silence passed with Jasper staring at the back of his head, a look of boredom plastered on his face before he offered me his arm. "Shall we?"

I grinned widely and held onto his arm as we walked through the outer sector and into the middle sector, which was now alive and full of people, a stark contrast to when I'd last been here in the middle of the night.

Distracted by every store window, I constantly stopped Jasper to look at each display and, despite my loud protesting, he bought me a silver and red bracelet in one of the fancier stores.

After about an hour of exploring, we found ourselves lying on the ground under the spruce tree at the orphanage on a blue and white checked picnic blanket. Jasper really had thought of everything, and had prepared a small picnic for when we eventually ended up here.

I was so comfortable with my head resting on his lap that I nearly fell asleep until he shifted under me.

"Do you want to see my room?"

The question came out of nowhere but I quickly agreed. I was curious as to how he'd grown up and his room could be a fairly good place to start.

A smile began to form on his face as he helped me up off the ground and into the abandoned orphanage. After about three flights of stairs and winding through a seemingly never-ending labyrinth of white walls, we arrived in front of a white wooden door covered in black, red and blue handprints.

"Aaron and I thought it would be a good idea to introduce some colour into our white surroundings," explained Jasper as he recalled the memory, "Céline was reluctant at first, but eventually we got her to join in."

The room itself was nothing special.

White walls were covered in the same handprints from the door and a twin bed was pushed into the corner of the room with half of the floor covered in various books.

"You read?" I gasped, beginning to rummage through the books, looking for one I hadn't read yet.

Jasper laughed lightly at my excitement, "Of course. There wasn't really anything else to do around here."

I smiled happily sitting amongst the books on the floor as Jasper came to sit next to me. Out of the blue, he grabbed my hand, causing me to look at him.

"Nyx," he whispered nervously, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Instead of answering, I reached up and pressed my lips to his lightly before quickly pulling away, "Of course."

Grinning widely at my response, he pulled me into his arms and recaptured my lips with his own.

"Hello," I heard the soft sound of a female voice from the doorway. I looked up to see her slender figure standing in the doorway, her blue-tipped blonde hair escaping the bun on her head and falling to partially cover her face. Her eyes flick towards me "Who are you?"

Jasper moved in front of me protectively as the girl leaned against the door frame.

"She's not going to do anything," Jasper told the girl.

"If I thought she would, I would have shot her by now," she says, voice devoid of emotion. "But why would you kiss a rebel of all people?"

Ouch. That one stung quite a bit.

"My name's Nyxeira, in case you were wondering," I piped up from behind Jasper. Her eyes continued to stare into mine before a muscle in her hand twitched closer to the holster at her thigh, causing me to duck back behind him.

"Well... She's sort of my of a few minutes ago..."

"You're dating a rebel?" she asked, a flawless eyebrow arching above her cold eyes. "In what world did you think a relationship between a soldier and a rebel would be a good idea?"

"Céline, we'll talk about this later," sighed Jasper. "Now why are you here? And where did Aaron go?"

The girl, Céline, slowly moved towards us, causing me to go rigid. Slowly, she knelt in front of me, staring, before she began searching through the pile of books. "I came looking for something to read, and the library's closed today."

"You could have just gone with Aaron to wherever, you know."

"He's gone outside the wall," she said, her eyes briefly looking up towards me. "And that's somewhere I don't want to see."

"Wait, what?" came Jasper's confused response.

Céline glanced at me quickly before replying, "Aaron; he's gone to the rebel camp."

My eyes widened in panic.

I had to get back before anyone got hurt.


A/N: I've been busy being a university student for the past three weeks okay...and I'm procrastinating on a poster to post this. Be happy.

Much luff,

Panda xx

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