Chapter Eighteen

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"So, I have been told you are a bit 'different' from the other people around here." The sorcerer said, stooping over a table, mixing potions, drop, by drop. Puffs of pink and green smoke explode with a hiss.

"Um, yes. I guess." The Snow Girl sat awkwardly in a wooden chair. They were in an underground chamber, hidden underneath the tent. The sorcerer preferred silence when working, for it required much concentration. He could not stand the sound of the generals and soldiers merry around the camp fire.

He turned around.

"Come here." He held out his hand, waving his finger.

She gingerly got up, and walked to him. He held her hand, feeling its cold.

"You're something that has never existed in Minecraftia." He marveled at her arm.

"You may be the key to winning this AWFUL war with the squids.


"First, we must find your skills. Tell me, what can you do?"

"Well, I can do this..." She took out her sword. Sir Seto could not contain himself. He shielded his eyes and covered his mouth, keeping himself from throwing up.


He stood up strait, still shaking.

"We will have to work on that." He tried to stay firm in his voice.

He studied the sword closely.

"It's ice, isn't it?"

"Yes." She handed it to him. He held it up in the light, and then walked over to the anvil hidden in the corner. The Snow Girl watched as he banged the sword for almost an hour, adding an enchantment book and ever so many potions, while always returning to his diamond pickaxe.

"Here." He finished, walking back to her.

"It's enchanted. It can with stand anything, even fire."

"Thanks!" She smiled, then placing it back into her shoulder. The sorcerer cried out again.

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