Chapter Seventeen

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They brought her to the center of the camp, although both The Snow Girl and Wilton were weary of the crackling bonfire.

"General!" The fire being snapped to and saluted. Everyone in the line snapped as we, but The Snow Girl and Wilton weren't watching, and bumped into them.

"Ten hight!" The line turned, still their fingers to their head in salute. The two did their best to imitate them.

They faced a tent. It was the largest one of them all. Almost as big as a house.


A man's black boot steps through the flap. The curtain slowly separated, reviling a long golden cape, a black suite, and a shining medallion like the blond girl's.

It was so quiet. The Snow Girl was stunned at his entrance.

Her jaw dropped when she saw his face. His eyes. They were dark.

As black as night.


"Presenting! General Sky!"

The Snow Girl gasped. It was him! The man who saved her!

Everyone's attention turned to her, including the general and the two other men following him behind him. Her hands slapped over her mouth.

"Who is this?" He said in a low, stern voice.

"We found them in the woods. They appear to not be hostile." Sky walked right up to her, towering over her with his hands behind his back.

"REAlly." He examined her face.

"Have I seen you before?"

That hit the Snow Girl in the face. Hard. What was she supposed to say? She was once the squid girl who was supposed to kill him but just magically transformed into a good person? She would die.

"N-no." She sputtered.

He took a step back.

"Why are you here?"

"M... May I... Join?"


"She wishes to join your army, Sir. She wishes an alliance."

He looked over her one more time. He lifted her arms, feeling its strength. He twirled her around, then feeling her face again.

"You are cold. Why?" He held her chin.

"Well, I'm made of snow, Sir." She said.

"Hm." He thought, holding her hair. He took a small step back.

"Very well. You are by far the youngest recruit I have ever had. Tell me, what are your abilities?"

"Well, I carry an ice sword in my shoulder for combat..." She could have sworn hearing under his breath the word "Ew".

"Oh I'm made of snow, so it doesn't hurt." She gulped. He walked away from her, and to the fire being.

"She will require much training. Her abilities with snow may fall under the category of sorcery." He turned to face a smaller tent.

"Sir Seto!" He yelled firmly. A smaller man stepped out of the tent. He was walking out backwards holding a glowing ball an an old enchantment book. He spun around. His purple cape and glowing eyes stunned The Snow Girl.

They waked to each other, and Sky pointed to her.

"This child requires much training. She is your apprentice." He turned to face her once more, and smiled.

"The Snow Girl."

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