My Writing Is Spiraling Down

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Sweet goodness people I am unable to write at any sort of decent hour! It has gone from midnight to the time it is now. Which I sadly tell you is three thirty in the morning. But enough of that I am going to do what I came here to do and that is tell ya'll a damn story! As promised all the chapters so far not including this chapter there are 4,238 words so far. If I keep writing like this I will reach the 10,000 words the challenge says! Yay! I will keep writing even if I reach it though if you were wondering.

I wan't to give a shout out to the writer who gave me the courage to start writing my own response to the challenge. The writer world_joy_ has her own response to the 30 day challenge which is fun to read so go read her story as well as mine! (If you are not female I am sorry and will change this but if not then we are good :-D )

I also want to point out my friend who is on wattpad with me birdle! I bet you never thought that I would put you into the story hahahaha! She is a great friend and I hope that she might just maybe take up the challenge as well! 

Back to the chapter and my story. So during the summer between my first grad year and second grade year I was pattering around in the kitchen just doing what ever I wanted. You know randomly searching for food. I rummaged around in the cabinets and found the cinnamon pop-tarts. I felt so lucky because it was the last package and I was going to be able to enjoy the goodness within. There was a slight problem I faced though. For whatever reason I could not remember how long to put them into the microwave for and didn't think to go read the stupid box.

Foolish young me decided to then look to my one and only sibling. My older sister. She was a true impish creature at that age. So when I looked at her for guidance with my pop-tart she went about being a douche-waffle. Her loving sisterly self looked at me from her sitting perch on top of the counter and smooth as butter told me to put them in for one thousand seconds. 

(You should all know that my parents were not in the kitchen at the time and that is the only reason that this happened.)

Strangely I decided to no question my sisters words of destruction and proceeded to pop them in. It was ten minutes that I had put in the microwave. Never before have I felt so betrayed as when a couple minutes later they both exploded in the microwave scaring me so much that I started to cry. Half of the crying though was at the loss of my pop-tart that had indeed popped. My sister on the other had started laughing at the whole thing.

The explosion was what made my parents come rushing into the kitchen from where ever they had previously been before. Needless to say my mother was livid with my sister when she found out what had happened and both my parents viciously scolded her and made her clean the microwave because of what she had done. I never forgave her for that though.

After that it was a grudge against my sister that I held dear to my hear for many years. Now I just hold grudges against her to piss her off. Funny thing is though we still talk about it to this day.

Well that is all for tonight it is now four twenty in the morning and I want to go to sleep. More stories to come. As always have a great day and sleep well! :-)

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