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I have regressed!!! It is almost two thirty in the morning. Last night was good though so there could be hope. Before I tell you one of my stories as I promised in the last chapter I wanted to give a thanks to gmrotondi for following me. Thanks. When people follow me it makes me happy because it means, I hope, that my stories are funny for them. Also it makes my little heart happy.

Now a story I promised and a story you will get! But before that I want to tell you what has caused me to be up at this hour. In the last chapter I talked about being an Otaku as you all now know. I don't think I talked about Korean Drama's. In this genre I am very picky about what I watch due to all the weak female characters or something else but one caught my attention.

 It is called Empress Ki. It's really good! I have been binge watching the show and am at episode eight. For you who don't watch K-Dramas you are probably scoffing at the small number. What you should know is that these dramas are an hour long each episode. You might still be scoffing but for me it is a good record for watching Korean Dramas. 

Now to a story for real this time. During the start of my high school year as a newbie freshman I was in an honors global studies class. This class was hell on Earth I tell you but it was one of my favorite classes at the same time. I will tell you why it was one of my favorite classes. It held that special place in my heart and still does but why it's there is all due to the teacher.

He was the kind of teacher that inspired kids to challenge themselves. The way that he taught was not by just giving you a textbook and some worksheets. No he tried to get you to understand and remember what you were learning. He wanted the information not to go in one ear only to be lost out the other. This makes him sound great right? Wrong!

By the end of the year the class was divided between kids who wanted him to push him down the stairs like a slinky. I was part of this group if you could not tell. But we never did because while we hated him he had earned our respect. Then you had the other half of the kids who had gone of the deep end at the other side of the pool. They treated him like a god. If he had told them to go run crazy through the school or to start a mob they most likely would have with little questioning.

Why I say this class was hell on Earth was because of what we had to do for our unit tests that occurred every three weeks or so. This class was known to all in the school that it was a class worse then the ap global studies class. What we had to do was draw from memory entire continents. Blank sheet of paper and what you could remember. But you could not do a half assed job at it because it was not just an outline of the continents but every country on the continent. Also their capitals and other important towns. All geographical features such as rivers, mountains, desserts, lakes etc. And what ever else he wanted on the map that unit. Every thing that he wanted was grade by you having a item on the map, your accuracy of placement, and spelling.

There were things even before you took the unit map test though. At the beginning of the unit you were given a print out of the continent or area. With this you had to trace it and put everything that he wanted on to your traced out map perfectly or he would not take the assignment and make you do it again. The rivers were the worst though because you never knew what part of the river and its branches he was looking for. On the back of each unit map test that you did you had to sketch out the whole world. With decent accuracy other wise your grade for that unit test would sink.

But the worst was to come later and by later I mean the end of the year. This is the time when you had to draw the whole world and place five-hundred places and geographical features. All of those places with accuracy. We only had an hour and a half to do this though. The stress leading up to the final was so great it would have been harder to catch smoke with you bare hands than to physically catch the tension. If you didn't get it I am saying that it was a stress fest.

That is why the class was hell on Earth but was still fun. One of the best/worse moments was in the first couple of weeks. We had learned that we were going to have to draw our state and none of us were prepared for the challenge at all mentally. Our teacher noticed this and after giving one of the best reasons he pushed back the test. His reason was supper funny.

It went something like this. "I can see that you are all really stress out about this. You look like you are all so stressed that its like I am trying to talk you off a roof. Except that you are all chain smoking and getting yourselves ready to die. So stop stressing about it you have another week to study". It was no joke we were all about ready to just give up and take the failing grade after a little BS of course. 

Wellp that is all I have for tonight! Tune in next time to watch me try and go to bed at a reasonable time! So have a great day and sleep well! :-) 

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