It's Midnight Again!

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Yep it's midnight again. Apparently the only time that I will work on this story but hey I am writing nonetheless though it is really hard because I am just not feeling it tonight. I must continue though! I now have six reads people! This is amazing to me because I expected that I would have no reads on this at all. My hope though is that whoever reads this story can get some shred of humor or reliability.

A new story from my childhood has emerged from the very dark tired depths of my mind tonight. A little part of me just yelled "No honey it's not tonight, its tomorrow!" That is how drained I feel. Its due to the fact that I actually did stuff today unlike the lazing around I have been doing. Back to the story! Great wandering shall be done in this story just so you all know.

When I was about six or seven I think both my sister and I received a ton of Christmas chocolate each. I am talking around a pound for each of us. My sweet tooth was and still is no laughing matter. The brilliance that was a younger me thought, what was there any better way to eat all of my chocolate than all at once? So I did just that and ate half of my sisters just for good measure.

The results were horrific to say the least. I had eaten all this chocolate in relative secrecy meaning my mom had no idea that I had shoved all that previously sugary goodness into my small little body. My body seemed to realize that this was a terrible idea from the get go and just exchanged being supper hyper for delayed destruction. This was the best option my body could have ever taken because shortly after my maw had devoured the chocolate we went to a school band concert that my sister was playing in.

My stomach first started to make its situation known about half way through the concert but I foolishly dismissed it as a little tummy ache. Boy was I so wrong by the time the concert was over and finished with I was feeling the true stomach pitching. I just wanted to go home and luck was on my side because instead of standing around and talking with the other adults my mother decided we were going to go home because she was tired.

When we finally arrived at the house I was so not feeling good in any way shape or form of the word. But alas that is where my luck ended because when we got home my mother told me to take some blankets to one of the upstairs bedrooms. I told her that I was not feeling good and that I felt queasy. She did not believe me and said a much telling me again that I was not going to get out of chores by faking sickness. Apparently I had hid how bad I truly felt really well.

So bent over like a hunchback I picked up the folded up blanket in my arms and started off towards the stairs. Before I got there though I could feel my body flashing me a sign that said "You Have Five Seconds To Get To The Nearest Bathroom" . Following the advanced notice my bod had generously given me I dropped the blanket like a hot sack of potatoes and rushed to the half bathroom by the garage. Slammed my knees to the floor and upchucked all that glorious chocolate in a forceful rush of brown vomit into the toilet. 

My mother came rushing in to see what was the matter saw me and said that she was sorry she had not believed me before. The only thing I was thinking at this moment was exactly this... I TOLD YOU SO MOM!!!

That's all I have for tonight! Have a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious rest of you day or sleep well! Another day another story. See you later! :-)

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