I Did It Again

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It appears that I am unable to write these at any sort of decent hour because again I am writing this at midnight. Three small bitty claps for my ability to write when people are alive to read it. It is like my brain finally sees the clock hit midnight and a switch flips turning on my will to write. All out of bloody no where. But three days of writing. In a row. This is new for me I will sometimes start something and after day one I hit a wall and make up some stupid excuse to myself on why I should not keep doing it.

As I was looking a my sad excuse for a story I realized that there were three whole reads! Although I am convinced that one of them is mine and I don't know how that happened but it does with every chapter I put out. Back to those reads. It's only three of them but do you know what that means?! It means that some one is getting some strange enjoyment out of my stories! Suck it my pessimistic self!

I feel as though I should start actually doing the challenge for this chapter and tell all y'all a story about myself. This one should actually be some way of shortness.

It continues after last chapters story of my move. I was going into forth grade in a new school which was in a new city and new state. It was a big move for me and I hated it so much. True I had all summer to calm down about the move but when I hate something and I wish to hold a grudge I hold on to it with more force than a dragon on its horde of gold. But the hate did nothing to quench the nervousness of a new school. And I was already nervous when it turns out that the school bus driver was late getting us to school.

That was just perfect now I was all alone in a school that I had only seen the inside of once before. That might not have been a problem if the bus had been on time because at this school you waited outside your classroom before school started. By outside I mean outside. You see all the classrooms had a two doors one that lead into the hallway of the school and another that lead straight outside. We were suppose to wait by that door to be let in when the bell rang.

I'll let you know that this was very strange for me because this elementary school had teachers only watching the front when parents dropped their kids off and the back where the playground was. The bulk of where kids waited to go to class had no teachers watching at all which I thought was stupid but whatever.

So I knew what classroom I needed to go into from the outside but not the inside of the school. Remember I had only seen the inside of the school once before and so I had a rough idea of where it would be. None of the kids around me paid me any attention so I was on my own. I went into the school looked around and was pretty confident that my classroom was at the end of the hallway on the right but to be on the safe side I went up to an adult who was walking in the hallway. When I approached her I told her that I was new and asked her where my teachers classroom was. I thought that she would just point the way and then we would part ways.

I was so wrong. After she had pointed and thus confirmed to myself that that was the right hallway to go down I started walking a way from her. My intent was to slip into my new class because I knew where my set was and it would not distract the class on the first day. (Looking back I am realizing that I was a very level headed kid). However this lady had to come and botch all my plans by insisting that she lead me to my classroom even after I had assured her that I know knew where I was going.

We strolled up to the room and she raps her knuckles on the door so much louder than I would have so I cringed. But the door was already open so all it did was attract unwanted attention to me. THIRTY-ONE PAIRS OF EYES KIND OF ATTENTION! All I wanted to do at that time was hit that lady. I did not even get a chance to introduce myself because she spilled all the information I had given her earlier. They just watched me like I was prey. It was unsettling to say the least.

The funny part a least was that in those first few weeks no one showed me around or helped me to my classrooms or tried to be my friend. After a while I figured everything I needed to out. I never did get friends until about halfway through my fifth grade year. That's not what was funny though. The funny part was that about when we were half way through the school year that is when the teacher asked if we had anyone that had move to the town recently. Me having moved I raised my hand and she said that some one should befriend me show me around the school. After I had had to figure it all out myself and obviously no one had wanted to be my friend so it went no where. Half way through the school year though. I laugh about it to this day.

Well people this was what I thought was going to be the shortest chapter I put on here and it turned into the longest one so far! I think now that I will have no trouble coming up with story ideas from now on but if I do I can just ask you few wonderful readers if there is any thing that you want to know about me just put it in the comments and I will try and answer them as fast as I can. All of you sleep well and have a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious day tomorrow! Love Ya!

What Am I Doing 30 Day Writing Challenge 2016Where stories live. Discover now