christmas day

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Your Pov
Christmas is stressful, last minute gifts, in laws, family and friends arguing over political parties, unwanted gifts (like the 6 pair of socks I get every year of my nan) but overall Christmas is great; Christmas music, families, friends and spending time with the people that mean most to us, however this Christmas was going to be slightly different


family and friends gathered in the living room as we sipped glasses of wine and the children played together.

I'd run upstairs and get the present I hadn't given to Michael that morning, hoping for the best I went downstairs: nervous out of my mind.

'Here she is' Michael said with a beaming smile on his face, 'I forgot to give you something this morning' he passed me a square shaped present.

I unwrapped it to find it was a 'greatest hits of the rock ages' cd, me and Michael loved to listen to these in the car.

"Thankyou babe!" I said giving him a kiss on the forehead.
'There's actually something I wanted to give to you to. I was so nervous, handing him the present both families watched as he opened it.
His face lit up with the sight of a ultrasound in a picture frame. Looking around at everyone there faces were full of delight, I was so happy.

"Babe this is great news!!" The blonde haired boy wrapped his arms around me snuggling his head into my neck whispering 'I love you' so many times in my ear.

"Now my cd looks like a shite present compared with this" he laughed.

The boy didn't stop smiling for the whole day, families congratulated us both as we tucked into Christmas dinner.

Michaels pov
Who's the daddy? I'm the daddy.

michael clifford one shotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ