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''Will Reese Taylor please come to the office,'' When I hear my name over the Thingy I'm worried and curious all at the same time.''Ohhhhhhhhh Reese got in trouble,''Half the class jokes. I don't even smile but I notice Amanda staring at me. She seems worried too. I try to go my fastest but that's pretty hard on crutches. I arrived in no less than 2 minutes though. ''Your mother is going to pick you up...........your little brother is hurt he was playing around with his friend at recess and he fell off the play structure your mother fears he broke his leg,'' my stomach sinks into my shoes. My Dylan??? Hurt? No way. ''is he going to be okay,''I ask my voice cracking in fear. ''Yes but he has broken bones his teacher said his cries were so loud people from their houses came too check,'' She looks at me in sympathy. I don't need sympathy I need my Dylan.

Short chapter sorry but I'm severely suffering with writers block on this story :(

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