Lakeside Romance - Jungkook x Reader

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After a few minutes you arrive at the lake and the boys take off their shirts and begin to apply sunscreen on themselves. You begin to apply some as well on your face and to the front of your body. You look around to see who could help apply some to your back and you find Jimin slapping it all over Jin's back for revenge from being hit earlier. You snake on over to Jungkook instead.

"Hey Jungkook?" He looks up at you.

"Can you put some on my back please?"

"S-sure." Jungkook says nerviously.

"Thanks." You turn around and lift your hair. Jungkook squeezes some into his hand and begins to lather it all over your back. You feel his warm hands slide up and down your back and some times under your bikini string. You bite your lip as you feel an odd feeling in your tummy. Feels strange, almost like butterflies are attacking your insides. You've never felt like this before and you've been with Jungkook for so long, maybe it's cause you guys haven't see each other in an long while. Yeah. That must be it. You feel him rub some on your shoulders and then you turn around.

"Your turn." You say to him. He turns around and you hesitantly begin. You rub the lotion between your hands and slide your hands over his slender back. You try to apply it evenly over his broad shoulders and down his back. But you can't help but to be mesmerized by the sleek muscles that form his back. You blush when you realize you're taking too long and quickly finish up the rest.

"All done~" you chirp.

"Thanks ______!" He smiles at you warmly. You can't help but to stare at his cute smile. Behind you, you hear Jin and Jimin arguing about who started what and who's gonna beat up who. Flustered from his smile, you run past him and jump into the lake. You dive deep and swim towards the center and hide behind a few large rocks.

You slap your cheeks and stay there for a while. Why do I feels so weird around him? This isn't me. I must be feeling sick. Or am I in love with....? A quiet splash behind you interrupts your thoughts. It's Jungkook coming to see what's wrong with you.

"Hey ______, everything okay?"

"Oh yeah, just peachy!" You try to say cheerfully. You quickly move away from him and swim back to the other bickering two.

Hours pass but to you it feels like the day is dragging on. You've been constantly avoiding Jungkook because you aren't sure about your feelings or if you're even in the right state of mind. You swim from one end of the lake to the other, avoiding him at all costs. But clearly you can see on Jungkook's face that he's concerned and worried. You think it's best to just find a quiet place to be for a while and so you slipped away and follow a path down to this tiny cave that you know of. Sitting at the edge of the damp cave, you look out ahead, being able to see the entire lake underneath you. Lost in thoughts you hear someone sit besides you. Your heart beats faster as you realize who it is that is missing from the lake.

"Hey, I wanted to talk to you _____." You don't turn to look at Jungkook.

"Hey..." He turns gently grabs your chin to turn your face to his. You can see the worry plastered all over his face.

"What's wrong ____? Why have you been avoiding me all day? You won't even look at me." You shake yourself out of his soft hands and look down at your feet, dangling out of the cave.

"It's nothing..." You whispered quietly.

"It's not nothing _____. Clearly there is something wrong cause you weren't like this, this morning. It hurts to see you feel uncomfortable around me especially since I haven't seen you in a long time." He sighs and takes your hands gently.

"______ look at me." You don't look at him.

"Please...?" He asks softly. You turn to look at him and your heart begins to beat faster.

"_____.... I like you." He confesses and you feel like you could explode with happiness.

"R-really? You do...? You turn to face him and you can feel your cheeks grow hot and you see that the same is happening to him too.

"I've always liked you _____. I have for a very long time, ever since we first met. You're the most amazing person I've ever met. You're my best friend. My crush. My everything. So I can't help but to feel hurt when this person I truly treasure begins to ignore me. Do me too...?" He asks cautiously as he looks deep into your eyes.

"I...." You get nervous and the words get caught in your throat. Minutes pass and you still can't seem to get anything out. He gets up and hangs his head low, unable to look at you.

"Sorry.... I shouldn't have said anything...."

"W-Wait! Don't leave.... just sit down again...." startled by your sudden outburst, he sits back down besides you. You take a deep breath and confess to him.

" you a lot too Jungkook. I just hadn't realized it until today. That's why I began to avoid you. I've never felt this way about you before so I thought it was just all in my head or maybe I wasn't just myself. But after a lot of thought, I've realized that I do, wholeheartedly, like you. I hope you will forgive me for not saying anything earlier, it was just a lot to take in and I wasn't even sure if my gut feeling was even right." You look up at him and he just sits there, looking back at you, as if he was trying to look deep inside into your heart. Suddenly he crushes his lips against yours and you kiss him back passionately.

"YAAAAHHH! YOU TWO STOP MAKING OUT AND GET DOWN HERE, IT'S TIME TO GO." You both pull away from each other as you look out of the cave at the Jimin waving and shouting in the distance. Jungkook gets up and offers a hand and smiles warmly at you.

"Shall we go?"

(A/N) To be honest, I have no idea where this story was going.... idk. Anyway I made this for angellife133!

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