Chapter One: Idol School

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"Bye Bye Onee Chan! Good Luck!" Raichi yelled out.

"Sayonara Raichi! Sayonara Mama!" 

"Gambatte Ichigo!" Mama yelled out while she waved her hand in the air

I gave them a sweet smile and I waved back. This right here is the beginning of my dream.


The school was very quiet. It's because I am a transferee student. The only noise I could hear are the wheels from my stroller.

"Let's see, If I just entered the gate then I am here at the fountain. I guess that if I go here-" I was distinctively examining the school map I was holding. Without even looking up, cause I was certain I was at the right place.
"OKAY, SCHOOL IS ABOUT TO!- eh, nani?" I stumbled into a garden with a stone patio in the center. I sighed in defeat and sat down. "Ugh! I am such a mess. I couldn't even find myself into my class". I leaned forward at the table 
and rested my head. "WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?!". "I can't clean if you're there" I looked up to see a boy dressed in a uniform with a broom in hand. His hair was black and part of his bangs covered his piercing yellow eyes. "Um, I'm sorry" I stood up and forgot that the map was on my lap and it fell onto the ground. He picked it up, "I see you're lost". I scratched the back of my blouse "Ehehehe, It's that I'm new here and I just transferred" "Soka. Well, If that's the case, follow me" He motioned his hand to follow me. I jumped up in joy and yelled "ARIGATOU GOZAIMAS!". 

"Here, I believe the Headmistress is waiting for you after this door." 

"Hai hai! Thanks once again!" 

"If that's all, I'd be-" 

"Matte matte! I didn't get your name. I'm Hoshimiya Ichigo by the way" I held my hand out and smiled at him.

"Suzukawa Nao"

And with just that he left. I took a deep breath and entered the Headmistress' Office. "Ahh You must be Hoshimiya Ichigo. Yoroshikune" "Ohayou Gozaimas" I addressed with a bow. "Sit down, you must be excited for your first day of school". "Yes I am. And because of this excitement I got lost on the way" I managed a small laugh while the Headmistress gave out a giggle in return. "Suminasen" I turned around to see a girl whose hair was blue and was tied to the side. "Ahh, Kiriya Aoi. Yoroshikune". "Yoroshiku Onegaishimas" she replied with a bow. 'Sugui, she's so idol like'. "Please take a seat". 

"Kiriya meet Hoshimiya. You two will be room mates starting today.". "Hai" the both of us said together. "With that out of the way. Welcome to Starlight Academy, where your road into being an idol begin. You will be using Aikatsu, and it is our method in training one to become an Idol. Every Starlight Academy student must have their essentials." Suddenly two women dressed in maid outfits were beside us carrying a platter with 3 items. "These 3 are those basic essentials of a Starlight Academy Student. Her I.D. , Aikatsu Phone and their Aikatsu cards. And these cards where the cars you used at your audition here. Aoi, you were chosen to be one of the luckiest transferees because you almost got all the answers correct during the written examination. And Ichigo, you were chosen because you used a special appeal during the audition. A sight which is rarely seen." The Headmistress smiled at the both of us and the door suddely bursted open. 

"Johnny Bepp is the name. Teaching is my game." He said while he spun his way into the office. "Nice to see two new honeys joining in my class". Honeys? Aoi and I looked at each other like we had the same thought. "2nd period is about to start my honeys. You don't want to be late". The Headmistress stood up and spoke "Now, without anything else, have fun on your first day. I'll just send your bags to your dorm. Gambatte ne". "Hai, arigatou gozaimas." Aoi and I said together.

And with that. My Idol journey begun.

A/N :D 
Ya mina :) I think not all of you knows japanese so I'll put in the vocabulary here :) Arigatou.

Onee-chan: Used to call with your older sister.
Sayonara: Good Bye
Gambatte: Good Luck
Nani: What?
Soka: I see
Arigatou Gozaimas: Thank You very much
Matte Matte: Hold on just for a while; Matte: wait
Yoroshikune: Pleased to meet you (informally)
Ohayou Gozaimas: Good Morning
Suminasen: Excuse Me
Yoroshiku Onegaishimas: Pleased to meet you (formally)
Sugui: Amazing
Hai: Ok ; Hai: Yes (depends on how it's used)

Take care my honeys :*

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