Chapter 9 "Daring Miss Andrew"

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Steven Lloyd came back from his business trip. He was done with most of the big meetings, putting the Lloyd's Bank back in business, because it wasn't enough to have the money, you had to convince the business world to trust you again, which was what Steven was doing during his trips. His brother really had made a big mess of the family business. Having the Rothschild as partners, had helped their business a lot.

He was with his wife in the bedroom.

- How are the babies? He asked

- Babies?

- Yes, the one to come and the one we have...

- Candy? Oh...

- Did you see her again?

- Yes... at the Wallace's party. She was still very angry at me.

- Why?

- She asked me if I was ready to present her to my family, I told her I had to get ready, well actually I wanted you to be with me, but I didn't get the chance to explain myself... she took it really bad I left the party...

- I'm sorry

- But a few moments later, she came to see

- She did? He said surprised

- Yes... she was worried about the baby, since I was upset. She wanted to make sure the baby was fine...

- Oh, she's compassionate...

- Yes... I was so happy. She asked about you...

- Really?

- Yes, she was saying that this baby was going to be her half sibling and I told her no... that I had married you...

- And...

- Well it's like it made her sad, she left shortly after...

- I'm sorry....

- No. I was glad... she's coming around...we're taking baby steps...

- I would like to see her... do you know where I can see her?

- No, she said, I'm sorry...

- What's her name again? Candy?

- Yes, Candice White Andrew...

- That's a beautiful name... that's my daughter's name...

- Yes...

- What does she look like?

- She looks a lot like me, I think...the freckles, the green eyes

- Now, I'm going to start to observe every young girl to see if it's her...

- I know what you mean, I was looking at every young girl who looked like they could be her age and imagined in my head it was her...

- I'm sorry you had to live that alone...

- It was my own fault... I should've told someone, I should've told you...but my pride...No wander she doesn't want to be with me...I tossed her aside like yesterday's trash... All I cared about was hiding it from my parents, from the world...Keeping up appearances...

- That's what you were thought...

- My mother's instinct should've kicked in... I could've find a way to hide her and go see her whenever I could...and eventually tell my parents...because she was real, she was concrete and she wasn't going anywhere...but

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