How The War Began

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Pitch. Black. The Alpha team waited standing in a perfect line of 5. Seo Joon, Ren, Joong Ki, Me, and Mia. And behind us, linking arms were Jimin and Mahum our field doctors.

Pitch. Black. As we trudged through the mud in our personalised uniforms carrying 50 pounds of military equipment.

Pitch . Black. As we stood being shouted at for out drills that were not good enough and never would be good enough.

"Quite a workout."Ren said as the sun rose from between the mountains we had been training on since yesterday.

"Salute" yelled commander Yoon as we all stiffed to his harsh tone."You have two days to correct you terrible, pathetic, worthless drills that will currently get you all killed. I'm even surprised you lasted this long. You may leave you....." His last words were quiet but we all knew It was an insult.

"Well that's finally over. I am impressed with myself. I stayed up for twenty four hours with out passing out or mentally breaking down!" Ren said loudly, breaking the silence as he usually does.

"I'm surprised you're still talking you worthless mutt."Chae stated breaking her usually sweet kind nature.

"Well someone's grumpy."Ren said circling a finger around Chae's wide face before she slapped it away.

"Mia's right Ren." Mahum said using Chae's English name, "shut up."

"I don't know why everyone's so upset with me. I'm just trying to lighten the mood a little guys."Ren said being offended for this was his personality in a nutshell.

"Well you know what Ren, it turns out non of us care what you have to say" Joong Ki said being very annoyed.

Yep well this is my team sassy Mahum, annoying Ren, kind yet snappy Chae, and no crap Joong Ki. Everybody else is with quiet or half dead at this point.

Last week we let an enemy spy get away due to our lack teamwork. So commander Yoon decided we would be training twenty four hours and breaking for twenty four hours for a week rotating this absurd schedule.

But finally our week is over and all we have to do is find the outlaw we let escape, question him, and send him back to where we came from.

-next morning-

SO IF YOU WANTED HONESTY THAT'S ALL YOU HAD TO SAY!!! My alarm clock screamed telling me 'get up or commander Yoon will make sure you'll never be okay again' but as my memory slowly renewed itself I turned off my alarm smiled and went back to sleep.

~11am that morning~

'Crap it's cold' was my first thought when I woke up again. My eyes shot open to see a tall white figure standing at the edge of my bed with my duvet.

"This is torture Seo." I said to park seo joon knowing he was the only man with a key to my flat.

"No it's me telling you to get up because I have out instructions."

"Fine I'm listening."

Seo laughed at my tired and exasperated tone." Well the thing Is that we don't think he wants anything, but because we failed the last mission we think that he thinks were gonna kill him when all we want to know is why he's here illegally... If that makes sense to you. I mean we signed a peace treaty saying they could come into the country and we tried to make it as easy as possible for them. We don't understand so we found him roaming the grounds near where the next kpop krock music thingy stuff is gonna be it's supposed to be a month of just different groups the same groups and generally a lot of people will be performing. A big chance to make a statement across the country try about his ordeal. We think the group he is going to intercept is Big Bang . So he's sending us undercover for the next month or so to protect and serve the group of big bang.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2016 ⏰

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