Diary of a wimpy kid: christmas holidays

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December 1st

Yesss!!!!! Its the end of school christmas holidays have begun, i ve been waitingfor his time of the year for nearly the whole year and now i am so happy that is has come but at the same time i have to spend 6 weeks with rodrick and manny in the house. Rodrick really gets on my nerves hes allways treating me like i am his slave but no i aint, he should understand that but i guess he doesnt have a brain so he cant.

Christmas is approaching soon and mum says i have to get ready and put decorations up and buy clothes

to wear on christmas.

This year on christmas i have told mum and dad that i want a robot that would do anything for you.

But they say that its not possible and we are not spending too much money on you. Which i think is really rude. Last year rodrick gave me this book with all my embarrasing picture in it and this year i am planning to do the same thing to him and see how he feels, manny gave me a toy car which he had made in nursery at first i thought thank god something decent but then when i went upstairs and started playing with it, it wouldnt move which i though was really annoying.

The next day i threw it in the bin and manny saw it in the bin and he came to me and gave it back and i kept it in front of him so i wouldnt have to hurt his feelings.

December 5th

19 days left till christmas i am literally counting down because i am getting out of control want to know what my mum and dad give me, i want to see if they actually give me what i want for the first time.

I called rowley over to help me with all the tasks mum set me to do whilst i was at home and she was at work. He came over and it was like he took over everything in my house he turned on the games console and started playing with my best games which he really shouldnt be touching. After all he did help me with all my house decorations and they were done in no time. At last i had time to relax.

December 6th

I dont know why mun wants to do all the christmas decorations now because there is still lots of time untill christmas cant she just do it the week before or something but anyway. I really wanted to find out my christmas present so i went to dad and started being kind to him he knew that i was up to something.

So that idea was too suspicious so i tried a diffrent one i thought that all dad and mum wants is for me and rodrick to stop hating eachother and start acting like we are brothers which i really dont think is going to work out.

I set up the christmas tree today it was soo boring but at the end it seems like it was worth it. Mum loves christmas trees last time she said she wanted a hundred of them in thr whole house she says it creates fragrance and shows the real meaning of christmas, i agree bit one is enough so we decorated the tree rodrick was just sitting there watching tv and eating a bowl of crisps, he doesnt even bother in helping out.

December 7th

I had to go to grammas house today she wanted me to clean her toilet which i wa snever going to do but ohh well. I told mum why cant you go and she said she was busy buying presents so i had to go because i thought she had gone to get my present.

When i got to grammas house i cleaned her discusting toilet it looked like it hadnt beeen cleaned for a hundred years old you wouldnt even want to know what there was thats how bad it was.

After i was finished i looked outside and all i saw was flakes of snow falling from the sky it was amazing at first but then i thought that i would be stuck in grammas house for even longer which meant she would keep yapping on about hows this and hows that, sometimes she really gets on my nerves. I had to come up with a idea she kept giving me chores to do. I called rodrick an d told him to come and get me with his van, but it was pointless because it was snowing alot and all the streets were white filled with snow and ice. I had no other choice but to stay at grammas house for untill it was cleared.


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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Dec 18, 2011 ⏰

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