Aoki Tsuki Michite

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Okay can I talk about this song for a minute and what some of the lyrics mean, at least to me. Of course they won't meant the same thing for everyone since you know, we all think differently. But I really do want to talk about it. Howlett and I talked about some of it. 

First I want to talk about who Ciel is singing too. To me he's singing to the first tier circus group, minus Snake. After all it's from Book of Circus and he's clearly not singing to his butler. Though the two main ones I would say is Joker and Doll since they played a bigger part with Ciel in the circus. But of course the others have a part in this song. 

So the very first lyrics are about how they both have done some terrible things. In Ciel's mind he can't be forgiven for some things he's done (like the death of his aunt or even the lives of those he's taken). No one should forgive the queen's watch dog for his own crimes he has done and the ones he's ordered Sebastian to do. The circus in the end never got forgiven for what they did. They didn't want to, but they still never did. They couldn't hide their crimes from anyone and when they were alive never heard anyone say that they were forgiven of the crimes. They couldn't hide from the unforgiving moon. 

"Waves another lie- a curse I will bear." Now this one specks a lot about Ciel. People lie to him all the time. Lau, Madame Red, Elizabeth, even his own servants have tried too. Sure some are simple lies to protect him, yet some aren't. He hates being lied too which is way it's a curse. Yet he does it all the time. He lied to Snake, he lied to Elizabeth, and has even ordered the others to lie before. He's a liar like the others, and one day it's going to crash on top of him. That's another curse. 

"There's a part of me, struggling to break free. It lives within the dark." Now this one can have a few meanings. He could be struggling to break free from his job or even the past. That's why it's in the dark. He does live in the underworld and his past is dark. But I think this could also mean a person: Sebastian. After all he is a demon and does stay in the dark a lot. At this point he could see Sebastian has a part of himself and may think that since he has the butler that he can 'break free' from anything, no matter the struggle. After all Sebby was the reason he lived and became free. 

"There is beauty in the lie." Howlett gave me this idea. But this could be talking about Doll how she lied to him about who she was. He never knew until she saved him from the snakes and the others. But it could also be talking about how the crew lied to Snake and the other members. After all Snake never knew what they were doing, even when he asked. He was a family member to them, yet they never told him about what they were really doing. After all in the end he probably could have saved them from their 'father' and caused them to live. Yet by lying they ended up saving his life instead. 

"Now I greet the darkness has a friend." Again, I feel this has two meaning. And again, I feel like one of them is taking about Sebastian. After all he knows Sebastian will be the death of him with the contract they made. Yet he isn't really afraid of him anymore. He may have been, but at this point he sees the butler has his friend. The other meaning is something a reaper said. Ciel has one foot in the grave. He isn't afraid of death no matter what causes it. He was at one point, but now the darkness can take him whenever it wants. He's ready for it. 

"Again the full moon is lost to the night." This one is at Kelvin himself. He always called the Phantomhives his moon. And Ciel in this line told him that he will never get him. He wasn't going to be a prisoner anymore. He refused to be a part of his sky. So he once again lost his moon to the night. 

I really love this sad song. Feel free to tell me what you think of some of the lyrics. I'm not doing all of them after all! Too much work! 

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