What Dika Gets

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So we all know the Troublesome Duo has a strong friendship and Alex needs Dika around or else she may has well go insane. Yet I haven't really talked about what Dika gets out of the friendship because a best friend. 

At first it doesn't seem like she gets anything. You wouldn't even think she does. She has to deal with Alex  a lot and that can be a hard thing to do. Yet you know what Alex does for Dika? She makes the Alaskan see how much she is worth. 

You all should know by now that Dika doesn't have the greatest self worth. She finds herself useless and doesn't really see much worth in herself. Yet there has been one person who can pull the girl out and show her she's got some worth to her after all: Alex. Alex tells her all the time that she's the best. Alex tells her that she's her key to sanity. Alex has always been there to slap her Silver if she starts to talk about that stuff and throw all the names of people who care and amazing things Dika's done. She makes sure that Dika knows she is worth so much no matter what she thinks. And it always works. 

So Alex gets her sanity from her Silver while Dika gets her self worth from her Blue. It really makes these two friendship even more adorable. 

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