Dika and Her Brothers

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Last night I was bored and made a little list of nicknames Dika calls her brothers just to either annoy them or because she always calls them that. 

Toris- Tori, To-to, green eyes, Tor, Leit (she does call him this if he's really freaking out and Feliks isn't there to do it. She thinks it helps calm him down), Mr. Cuddle Bug. 

Feliks- Fe-fe, Golden Locks, Fel, Polly, Mr. Fashionesta, Girly Polly (He hates this one with a dying passion) 

Eduard- Edie, Four Eyes, Mr. Nerd (the two have such a loving relationship, don't they?), Tech Wiz, White Nerd, Estoni. 

Ravis- Ravi, Little man, Little Bro, Latvi, Cuttie, (and when he gets older) Giant Freak. 

The amazing part is the only nickname I've ever heard them call her is Dika-Wika. These all have an amazing relationship, don't they? 

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