Chapter 8 - Kool-Aid

Start from the beginning

"So guys, you can either stay here with me cause I'm going to pick stuff up, or stay here with Mom. And Tara, if you'd like, we'll buy you groceries."

My face heated up. They were actually doing this?

"Uhm...thank you that'd be great." I knew I was stuttering.

"Well go inside with mum." Alex spoke up. "Go on, get out kitten." He added quietly, helping me unbuckle.

I stumbled out of the van and clinged onto Alex the whole time in the store.

We went up and down many isles, but mainly the fruit and veggie one. Alex's mother insisted to buy anything that I like and would eat, and even added some of her own choices in. One of the choices were matching onsies - one for my baby and one for hers.

By the time we had finished shopping and Alex's father had caught up with us, I had to had about $100 worth of food in the cart.

My anxiety was sky high and my blood was rushing everywhere, making the baby kick.

"Ouch." I hissed under my breath. Alex just smiled and placed his hand on my bump and kissed my cheek.


"So do you want anything to eat baby?"

Alex asked as soon as we got to his room.

I grinned and bit my lip, then pulled him against me to kiss him.

"Food isn't what I want right now." I whispered. He smiled and kissed my neck.


By the end of the day, we had accomplished eating burgers, a nap, and some COD.

My father picked me up at the end of the day like usual, and I winced thinking of his questions when Alex's parents tell him that they got me a ton of food.

"It'll be okay. They just want you healthy." Alex said as he kissed my hair.

"Yeah, I guess so."

I picked up the bag Alex had given me that had a small collection of newborn diapers and some baby clothing from his mom, and he carried my laptop and bag for me.

I groaned internally when I seen my father talking with his mother outside, but I got my shoes on and went outside anyways.

Alex carried my stuff to my truck and then proceeded to go back to the house to carry two large bags of food outside too.

"Thank you again, by the way." I said to his mother before going to hug Alex goodbye.

"It'll be fine, and if not who cares? He doesn't have that much say in anything. Besides, he wanted us to be more involved." Alex kissed me and lead me to the vehicle where I then got in and waved to him.

I was going to text him all day anyways, but it still made me sad to leave.


My dad was silent the whole hour drive back home.

"So, what'd his mom say to you?" I tried to sound nonchalant.

"She wants a barbecue with us and his family before the baby shower."

"Ah that's nice." My anxiety eased.

"Sure." Nope. Up again.


"They want to get to know us NOW? When they haven't done anything except try to get you to move out?"

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