

I closed my eyes and sobbed loudly as I felt someone pull me into their arms. She was supposed to be dead. My mind couldn't comprehend the events taking place at the moment.

"How are you here? I thought you died." I exclaimed between hiccups. The moment felt surreal; too good to be true. I for sure thought I was seeing things and was 2 seconds away from falling out. This was too much.

"Honey take a seat." Case said feeling the same variety of emotions, but one of them had to be calm. Her niece was hyperventilating and looked to be lightheaded.

Sarye sat down, breathing deeply in order to catch her breath. The tears wouldn't stop however as her aunt Cass pulled her into a hug that she so desperately needed. After she finally calmed down, Cass began to tell her how everything transpired.

Within in the time span of twenty minutes I learned that Mahogany was one of my Aunt's best friends and she basically saved her life.

Mahogany and her husband fund several charities for different causes. Every 3 months they are sent a condensed list of individuals without family that are in the hospital that need help, whether it's financially, physically, or mentally.

My aunt's insurance claim was not enough to cover the expenses of her hospital bills, and with no family, she didn't have anyone to cover the costs. She was already in debt and the hospital was going pull the plug. When Mahogany heard her story, she and her husband decided to foot the bill. They also promised to pay for any future payments she may recieve. This was an incredible deed to do.

Months later, my aunt woke up and after learning what the Jones' family had done for her, she befriended them and the rest is history. She vowed to pay them back but they insisted that they were only doing the Lord's work and her life was their repayment.

"I've been looking for you everywhere. I went to the last five foster homes that you've been in and you were no where to be found. Why is that?"

"I ran away." I said above a whisper. I knew she probably wouldn't approve, but I wasn't gonna let the system mess me up. I've witnessed too much disgusting shit happen behind the doors of every foster home I've been to. I threatened to tell and was beat to a pulp. I had to get out of there.

"You ran? Really Sarye? Do you know how dangerous these Miami streets are? Especially for a young woman like you. What you been getting into huh? Tell me!"

"I ran because it's worse in there than out here. At least out here you expect it. You don't expect someone who is supposed to take care of you to beat you like you stole something in front of eight kids just because you threatened to speak up about the injustices taking place in there. You don't expect to be made an example out of and make everyone present afraid to tell the world what is really going on. That place drove me to run away and rely on drugs as comfort. It was hell!" I exclaimed now sobbing. No one will get it until you have lived it, but they will look down on you for how you are like they know what you've been through.

Her arms enveloped me again like a warm blanket on a winter's night and I felt somewhat whole again.

"We're going to get throught this baby I swear." She sobbed rocking to and fro. It would be perfect if my dad was here, but something makes me think he took part in leading me to her.



"Uncle Munny." We left my tailor a few minutes ago and getting breakfast was on the agenda currently. He was able to squeeze me in early, so I had a some time before class.

"Wassup baby?" I asked trying to focus on the road as I looked in the rearview and saw this big ass mega truck riding my coat tail. I swerved and got over into the next lane. I didn't need that shit hitting me.

"Mommy taught daddy some new abc's this morning?" My face contorted in confusion, but I went along with the conversation anyway.

"Oh yeah? How it go?"

"She said: A, B, C, D, E, F, U, B, I, T, C, H."

I was crying in the front seat. The fact that my niece didn't know made it all the funnier. I told Mel to be careful about what she say around my niece, but her big forehead ass never wanna listen.

"Wow...it's somethin'. Never say the new ones at school okay?"

"Okay uncle Munny." She replied with a nod.

"What you wanna eat?"

"IHOP please."

"Whatever you want."

I continued to drive until we finally spotted the restaurant. I quickly maneuvered the wheel, getting into the right lane, and turned into the parking lot.

It was packed, so we waited for five minutes or so before we were able to be seated.

As we were ordering, I spotted my Godmother Cass sitting at a table chatting with someone, but I could only see the curly hair that adorned their head so I had no idea who it could be.

I guess she felt me looking, because her eyes connected with mine, and she began to wave me over.

I sent the waitress off and I grabbed Lai's hand sliding her out of the booth before approaching the table. When we got there, instantly knew who she was. I couldn't forget the sparkle in her beautiful brown eyes, or the rich Melanin that graced her smooth chocolate skin. It was her.

"Hey sweetheart, and hey Lai. I wanted to introduce you to-."

"We've already met." I cut her off abruptly. At that moment the chocolate goddess' head popped up, her curls swinging every which way. Her face scrunched up, before her eyes widened in realization.

"I don't recall." She spoke. Lying through her teeth.



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