Pick your favorite movie character. Now recast them and explain why.

Don't have a favorite movie character, but the actor I'd recast would be Stanley Tucci in the Sea of Monsters movie (I think it was him). The man who played Dionysus in Percy Jackson. For those of you who don't know Dionysus from Percy Jackson, he is the God of Wine. Percy is a demigod. Dionysus does not like demigods. In the Sea of Monsters, he looked concerned for Percy. That isn't supposed to happen because it didn't happen in the book! I love Stanley but you do not ruin my book series in film. No, no, no!

Pick your favorite book character. Now put them in a different book entirely and explain why.

Don't have a favorite book character but one I'd choose is Beatrice "Tris" Prior from the Divergent trilogy. I'd place her in The Hunger Games because she's an intelligent character, but fragile, and I'd love to see how she'd interact with another dystopian world that is so different from hers.

In the movie of your life, who would play you?

I guess...Nina Dobrev because her character Elena, on the Vampire Diaries, has raw and vulnerable emotions that feed off her like me in times of despair. And Elena writes, in a diary, but it's still writing okay. ;)

Quick: What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you read the word 'Swamp'? 

Crocodiles. On Revenge, the protagonist Emily Thorne has this stare that's call the "croc-stare." Accurate.

What is something you do not understand AT ALL and you don't think you ever will understand it?

Why AP teachers give more work than college professors and making it tougher for us? The fact I pull all-nighters a lot to study and still get Fs on tests? So many questions...

Have you ever been to Scandinavia?

Nope. I'd love to though. Europe is interesting. ;D

What is your favorite letter of the alphabet and why?

S because my name begins with it, and there are so many words I love saying that are dark and light, and begin with S.

Lucky number?

Apparently 3.42 because that's my GPA right now and I'm ecstatic that I'm passing all my classes

What's the physical feature people comment on the most?

My cheekbones. According to my friend, DannyAngelus on Wattpad, I have amazing cheekbones and should model them...?

Which of the ancient pantheons do you find the most interesting?

Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Norse deities I find intriguing and it's always matter I can write about it. I love Percy Jackson, The Kane Chronicles, and I'm in the midst of editing my Norse mythology story.

Story Questions--

Insert a fandom: Fans of 'Supernatural' would love my story!

I hope this comes out self-centred, because I honestly don't mind if someone who's a fan of Fifty Shades reads Chains. But I think Revenge and Scandal fans would love Chains because it's a revenge/scandal filled dystopian political thriller. With werewolves.

One a scale of one to ten, how bad is the world in your book?

Chains has many settings. And all have a horrific aspect to them that's sinister. Overall, I'd give Chains a 8, because the story is about exploiting scandals for means of avenging the death of two fathers. Secrecy, lies, spellbinding, heart-wrenching double truths. Murder. Torture. Assassination, drug dealing, racketeering, extortion. You name it, I probably have it.

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