getting into trouble....from my best friends

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as school came to an end i slowly walked to my locker and put my stuff up.i didn't want to go out side because they guys are waiting for me. so i came up with a plan i asked allison if she could go out the front to see if the guys were out there and to come back and let me know. when she came back she said they were waiting by there bikes. i thanked her and told her to meet me at my place and don't tell the guys that thats were she was going. when she left i ran to the back of the school ran outside and headed to my house. i was only turning the corner of the school when i saw Ernest and Ric on there death trap. i slowly turned around and acted like i didn't see them hoping they wouldn't notice me. but they did


i slowly turned back to them and acted like i was innocent.

Azusa -hey guys i din'd see ya'll when i waked out the school 


hearing him yell at me like that made me flinch i was about to yell don't hit me but stopped myself from doing so because i knew that they would know that something was up.

RICARDO-  Azusawe know you. we knew that you would go through the back becaus eyou knew that you were in trouble.

Azusa- what did i do wrong i didn't do nothing wrong.


what he said wouldn't have scared me if he didn't yell at me but Ernest has a short temper but i couldn't help myself from screaming out

"PLEASE DON'T HIT ME I WONT DO IT AGAIN I PROMISE."and i started to hyperventalate

they looked at me confussed then realized something

RICARDO-Azusa....did......did someone hit you

he started to touch the side of my face that i had covered with my hair to hide the bruse and flinched. i guess he realized that that's were i was hit he jeantaly moved my hair out of my face and the both of them looked at me in shock.

RICARDO-Azusa  who did this to you?

i didn't answer i didn't want to answer.

ERNEST-who did this........... AzusaWHO FUCKING DID THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i told them what happened and said that it was no big deal Ernest and Ricardo were mad at me for not calling them last night and for not telling them today. Ricardo told me to get on his death trap and i did after that they didn't talk to me. i think there giving me the silent treatment and i don't like it. it feels like they hate me and i don't want them to hate me. when we got to my house and when i got off he drove away without saying a word. it really hurt me to because i liked Ricardo i always have. he may be a jerk but he's really nice, sweet, funny, kind,  gentalman and that's what i love about him. so him not wanting to talk to me really hurt my feelings.

------------------------------------------5 weeks have past--------------------------------------------------------------

its been 5 weeks sense then and they still haven't talked to me i still have Tony Allison and Ofelia and they still hang with Ernest and Ricardo as long as i'm not around. i don't feel loved anymore even if i still have 3 friends there closer to Ernest and Ricardo so they don't hangout with me as much as they do with them. i just think of my self as a backup and as for my feelings to Ricardo they are slowly going away. i don't love him as much as i used to i don't have any real friends i feel all alone in this world. Ernest and Ricardo don't have any class with me anymore they don't keep me safe anymore. which is bad because i'm weak and now days people pick on me left and right and i can't stop them i have cuts and bruses on me from them pushing me around.

i hide my face from the 2 boys when ever i see that there gonna end up walking past me. Allison said they still ask on how i am doing and she tells them that i'm okay because she knows that i'm starting to get used to them not being around. an i don't want them around even if it hurts but it would hurt more if they were around and not talking to me. 

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