After some time Nolan finally broke the silence that consumed us. "Now all that's left is to find him."

Dad looked up. "No need. He's already here."

"What?" Nolan gaped.

I came back up to my feet. "He's here?" I repeated.

"Hey slow down," Nolan directed to me as I started shuffling to the door. "What the hell do you mean he's already here?"

"I need to leave-"

Dad put his hands into his pockets. "You heard Carter's story. She smashed a bottle over his head. How well do you think someone who had just had a bottle smashed over their head would drive? Which, of course someone who just tried to assault someone would want to get away, and quickly."

"Let me go." I pleaded to Nolan who had his hand on my elbow but his attention was on Dad.

"He wrecked?"

"I can't be here if he's here!"

"He's fine, well, as fine as can be. He'll live. I didn't think telling you was wise. You were a little on edge." Dad explained to Nolan, both seeming clueless to my panic. The air in the room had grown stale, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't be here if he was here. I couldn't. I started to cry again and they finally turned their attention back to me.

"I can't be here if he's here." I begged and put my hands on Nolan's shoulders to support myself.

"He can't hurt you anymore Red, I won't let him. So help me God I won't let him."

"He's unconscious." Dad assured me. "Stable, but unconscious. When he wakes up he'll wake up in handcuffs. Trust me honey, no one will hurt you."

"B-but - I - I-"

"I've let this go on too long, your mother would be ashamed with me. She never thought we did the right thing in the first place you know. Only went along with it because it's what you begged for. I thought I was taking care of you, protecting you, but if we would have thrown the book at him then, well this may not have happened. Point being, I'm not going to let this little shit do this again. I'm not going to let myself fail to protect you again. There are police waiting for him to wake up, you have a hallway full of friends out there-"

"You have me." Nolan cut in.

I gave them both an exasperated look. They had no clue what I was feeling right now. I looked from one to the other, trying to decide which was the easier target, who would be more likely to get me the hell out of here? Neither looked particularly willing to sweep me away and return me back to Nolan's ridiculously comfy couch. Reluctantly I let Nolan steer me back to the bed. I sat back down on the edge solemnly listening to Dad praise me again, relentlessly almost, before excusing himself to find the police who'd taken my statement.

"How many do you want to see at one time?" Nolan asked and I gave him a queer look. "I'm assuming tree or four would be too much for you at once, so maybe just one or two at a time. Two would probably get them all out of here quicker though."

I flushed.

"You don't want to be seen like this?" He asked reading my mind. I didn't have to respond. "So I should send them home?"

I picked at the fuzz on my blanket before finally grumbling a no. They'd been out there all night. The band, his sister, even Ace, had flew hours to be here. The least I could do was put on a brave face and thank them for their support.

"I'll enforce a time limit." Nolan promised me and I sagged with gratitude.

Rita was naturally the first one in as she was apparently the only one who had any sense to actually leave the hospital this entire time. She'd gone home and gotten me, bless her heart, clothes. Getting out of the hospital gown before everyone came in was almost enough to make me feel up to postponing my date with Nolan's couch for another few hours.

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