prologue | An Evening With Yang

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A Year Ago...

Shaina opened the car door hesitantly and peeked inside. Sitting in the driver seat was the woman who has proven to be Shaina's living nightmare. The notorious serial killer, Yang, gave Shaina a devious closed-lip smile while motioning Shaina to get in the car.

Shaina did as she said and got into the passenger seat as Yang tauntingly hovered her thumb over the red button, which would blow up her mom who was strapped into a bomb a few cars away. If people labeled Shaina as a psychopath, then the woman next to her was far more than insane.

Since 1998, Yang had been the most dangerous serial killer Santa Barbara has ever had; With her infamous YinYang sign as her trademark. The said killer only played these little cat and mouse 'games' with people she thought were smart enough to solve her riddles. People like Shaina Spencer. Shaina's skills were put to the test for days, stressing her physically and mentally beyond her limits. And now the serial killer who never showed her face is sitting in a car with Shaina. But why was she showing her face to Shaina?

Yang flashed Shaina her yellow teeth and talked as if lives were not in danger.
"Alright, be honest with me... You're surprised, right? I'm prettier than you'd thought I'd be?"
Yang smacked her lips in between pauses.
"It's the bone structure."
Yang tapped her cheek bones in attempt to explain. Shaina remained emotionless. She shook her head in delirium. She had to confirm her mother was safe before she ever attempts to talk about anything else with this woman.
"I won. I beat you. That was the deal. Now let my mom go."
Shaina glanced at the small detonator. A Small and fragile box with a button. Yang could easily press it on accident with the way she kept her thumb on top of the circular death machine.
The mad woman just scoffed and shook her head as if the answer was obvious.
"You are just amazing."
Yang had a look of awe in her eyes as she looked upon the younger woman.
"My most... my most admirable foe."
Of course... Yang had played this game with others before, but clearly they could never win against the serial killer. And that's how the game goes; you win, lives are saved, you lose, Yang takes lives. These games were dangerously played for years.
And out of all of Yang's players, Shaina was her favorite.
"But you see, I knew you would be. And that's why I chose you."

It was all making sense now. Yang's open obsession with Shaina. Yang following Shaina everywhere without her knowing. It was all because Shaina was Yang's other part. The goodness in bad opposite the badness in good.
"Because... I'm your Yin."
Yang smirked as she saw the gears turning in Shaina's head. She finally understood.
"That's sweet of you. Thank-Thank you for that. But you're surrounded. There's no way out of this for you."
Yang scanned the surrounding area with her eyes. There was a small amount of fear in her eyes. There was fear there, no matter how small, as she became aware that cops were hiding behind the cars parked around them in the Drive-thru Theater.
Then suddenly that fear was gone. Dilated to nothing as Yang smiled again. She watched as guns were fired in the film playing in front of them.
"You know what I like about this movie, Shaina? It's great resolution."
Shaina looked back and forth between the movie and Yang; her brain rushing to find the connection between the movie and what the hell was going on right then.
Yang continued; her voice changing octaves as she popped more popcorn in her mouth, "Okay, call me old fashioned, but is there anything more satisfying than a solid ending?"
Yang looked to Shaina for an answer. It was like talking to an old friend to Yang. Shaina wouldn't exactly use that term though.

"You call me a killer. But the truth is... I complete things. And that is what people really want. To feel complete. That... and a corner booth." Now wasn't the time for humor. Even Shaina held herself back from a witty comment, but Yang was casual in the situation. Since she had power over everything.
"And now... Our story... which we created so beautifully together... is going to end. But how?"
Shaina shook her head in panic as her eyes widened. Yang leaned in an intimidating manner.
"Do you wanna know what it is? Or do you want to be surprised?"
Shaina unconsciously swallowed her building up of saliva.
Yang nodded her head in the direction of Shaina's mother. Shaina looked over to see Lassiter and O'Hara ducking in cover behind the hood of a car three parking spaces away. Shaina raised her hand and made a cutting motion near her neck to indicate them to stay down.
Lassie got the message. "She's not alone. Stand down, everyone! Stand down! Move back!"

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