We finally made it to our classes that we across the hall from each other and with a quick goodbye peck on the lips we went into our separate classes. James had to pull Dom and Leo apart from their intense make-out session that seemed like it would soon turn into a live porno.

Dom and I walked into class together talking about random pack things and the texts I had received. We both sat towards the back of the class and continued to talk until the finale bell rang singling class started. Through out class I felt like someone was staring at me making me sift in my seat awkwardly. Dom kept looking at me asking if I was okay but I just said yes and shook it off.

Class finally ended after a long and boring lecture and next we had lunch. All four of us walked to their lockers to grab their lunches before heading over to mine. We made our way into our the lunch room and once again everyone stared at us when we walked in. I was getting used to all of the attention but it still bugged me a bit. We walked over to our regular table but nobody was there. I knew Alice wasn't at school today because her brother was in town but I know I saw Liam earlier today.

"I wonder where Liam went?" I mumbled to myself as we walked over to the table which was soon filled by some more of James friends. I always sat on James lap no matter how much I try by to; he claims it's because "we need to save space" but I know that he just wants me as close to him as possible.

I zoned out most of lunch because all they were talking about was the baseball game they had later and I knew nothing about the sport. I looked at my phone to see that we still had about 10 minutes until lunch was over. I was going through Instagram when my phone went off signaling I got a text. I opened it and was surprised to see what lit up the screen,

Aww you look so cute today. I can't wait until I have you all to myself, it'll be like our own little fairytale.

I felt myself pale as I started shaking. I was hoping this was all going to be over and the person would stop sending them; I guess I wasn't so lucky.

"J-J-J-James." I stuttered out with fear and sadness lacing my voice and tears filling my eyes. James attention immediately snapped down to me his face softening when he saw my state.

"What's wrong?" He asked concern and worrying deep in his words. The entire tables' attention was on me as I quickly gave James the phone with shaking hands. He took it from me never breaking eye contact until he read the text. You could tell he was furious, his face hardened, his eyebrows creased together, his body grew stiff, he was pissed.

"Who the hell does this person think he is? I was kill him once I find him and he will regret ever breathing." James seethed out pulling me impossibly closer to his body. Tossing my phone on the table for everyone to see he bent my neck only to practically shove his face there and just breath in my scent.

"What the? Do you think they might try something?" Kade, James third, asked. James just shrugged along with me. I didn't really know if they would try anything because I didn't even know who they were. I mean they could really believe we're mates and we're meant to be together; or they could just be sending these texts as a harmless joke. Not that anyone found this funny.

"Jordan is starting school Monday, he's going to be with you all hours of the day. Even with you have to go to the bathroom, he will be there. I don't want to take any chances. We'll keep others around too just to be safe. There is no way something's going to happen to you on my watch." James declared with his alpha tone slipping in once in a while. Everyone at the table nodded before Ty slid my phone back over to me and the bell rang for fourth hour to start.

This time James went with me to my locker and then made me follow him to his because he didn't want something happening. We had to nearly run to get to class on time though and I am not the most athletic person in the world. We made it to class just as the bell rang, I was panting and James was looking as if he hadn't just had to go run up two floors and across the entire school.

I quickly took my seat along with James when the teacher started glaring at us. I sat in the middlish of the class while James sat behind me. He tried moving to sit next to me but the teacher just started yelling at him; this was where he was able to move without the teacher noticing.

Class pasted by surprisingly fast which I was thankful about. I might be good at French but that doesn't mean I like it. The teacher is an ass and thinks he's the best of the best. Also he is a bit of a pervert, one time he went to give me back a paper but dropped it so I would have to bend down to get it. He even stepped closer so his...parts brushed up against my butt.

Now James and I were walking to gym, my least favorite class ever. Like I said earlier I am not athletic, and everyday in gym I'm stuck playing some stupid game that everyone teams up on me for because I can't defend myself. It's been getting a bit better since James and I started dating but he was always pulled away to go practice for one of his sports. But today I feel like he won't leave my side.

I hadn't even realized we had made it to the gym until I smelt that all to familiar smell of sweat and body odor. Let's just say it's not of the best things you could smell. James and I walked over to our lockers. James moved so they were right next to each other and he could block my body from everyone.

"Come on we need to get changed," James whispered in my ear and playfully bit down on the shell causing a shiver to run down my spine. I just nodded grabbing my clothes out of my locker before pulling my shirt off. And as expected James completely cover my body from everyone else's view before putting his clothes on.

In gym we did have uniforms which I hated because this guys shorts were HUGE on me and I had to wear the girls ones so my pants would stay on. It wasn't that bad because the girls shorts had to be a certain length because of the unfair and even slightly sexist dress code against girls so they went down to just above my knees. But you could still tell they were girls shorts because of the style.

"Hurry your lazy asses up I don't have all day." Coach yelled at everyone making all the guys hurry up and finish changing before hurrying out of the locker room.

"So listen up to ladies we're playing dodgeball today." The coach started making almost the entire class (including the girls) cheer. My eyes went wide as I shuffled into James side more. Last time I played dodgeball I ended up in the pack hospital for three days because of how hard someone threw the ball.

"James and Riley you're team captains. Rock, paper, scissors to see who picks their team first." I let go of James as he walked up the to the front of the group and did one quick rock, paper, scissors with Riley. James won and looked around the class acting like he was trying to decide who to pick, even though he already knew.

"Ben, Leo, Dom, Ash, Kade, Ty..." he went on listing his team. Everyone that he called walked over to him lining up behind him. Before I could even walk past him he grabbed my hand pulling me next to him before wrapping his arm around my shoulders securely.

After everyone got on their team we to our side of the gym. James was fair and made sure to give Riley some good players too so it wouldn't be unfair.

"So guys we need a game plan." James whispered to everyone in our little group huddle. Everyone nodded as he went over what everyone was going to do and explained who to try and get out first.

After we broke up I went and stood in the middle-back type area so there were people in front on me and people behind me.

"Ready you ladies? Remember the rules no face shots, if you get hit with the ball you're out, and if your ball is caught you're out. Ready, set, GO!" He yelled.

Let the game begin


Alphas Little Omega Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora