Turn Off The Lights

Start from the beginning

"That's an awful lot of sighing you're doing, what's up," Kimber asks through the phone.

"Nothing, I'll tell you later. What have you been up to," I ask.

"Nothing much, mom told me that she had to expel you because of the Sadie incident."

"Yeah, which sucks, cause I actually liked this one," I say.

"She said she tried to reason with the board to get them to let you stay. She reasoned that you're way ahead of your classes and that you have the top grade in the entire school, but they just wouldn't have it. I bet Sadie's parents paid them off to have you expelled."

"I would be more surprised if they hadn't paid them off," I say. It wasn't a secret that Sadie Gallinn's parents have more money than anyone could use in a lifetime and that they'd do anything for their "princess" (more like wicked bitch).

"I bet Carter's happy though," I tease. Carter is Kimber's boyfriend, and, before I'd started school there, he'd owned the spot of top grade in school. He'd also owned the spot as most popular, but it seems I'd taken that as well. We argued constantly over the stupidest things. I used to tell him that since I've already taken his grade and popularity, that I might as well take Kimberly too. It made him so mad. Even though we argued constantly, Carter is like the big brother I never asked for. He's very protective in an "only I can talk bad to her" kind of way.

"Oh, he'll miss you. You guys were joined at the hip. He'll probably miss you more than anyone, " she says. What she said is more or less correct. If I wasn't with either her or Tyler, I was more than likely in Carter's dorm wooping his ass on video games, annoying the hell out of him while he was studying, or helping him study. Which, to him, was more annoying than me purposefully being annoying while he studied. Considering that both Kimberly and Tyler had more than one after class activity, I spent a lot of time with him. Also, because all my classes were advanced and his were as well, I had all my classes with him, which played a huge part in our weird friendship.

"Awe, I'll miss his ugly mug too," I say, because I will.

"You should give him a call. He just got back yesterday and I still haven't told him. He doesn't know about the Sadie thing either. I figured you'd want be the one to tell him," she says.

"Yeah, I wanna tell him myself. I'll give him a call later, do you want to go and get something to eat tomorrow? We can get everyone together for lunch," I say.

"That sounds good," she says.

"Alright, I'll make sure Tyler and Fibi come."

"And I'll make sure Carter, Jonah, Skylar, and Elijah come."

"Alright, I'll see you guys tomorrow."

"See you then."


"Bye," I say and hang up.

When I look up, I see Jax looking at me and I smile at him. He nods at me with a litrle smile, before turning back around and talking to some girl I don't know.

I hand Tyler back his phone and pull out my phone. I click on Carter's contact and send him a quick text.

Me: Hey Kim said ur back. Wanna grab breakfast tomorrow. I can help you with ur behind assignments. 😏

His reply is immediate.

Cart: Like I'll need your help😂. I don't need your help on anything. And it's your not ur, it's YOUR. Haven't you had a single english lesson in your life?

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