Dive In

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Author's Note: Okay, so fair warning, this chapter will be in third person. Hope you guys like it😊!! Until later,
Little Socially Awkward Girl Out✌

Chapter 2 - Dive In

Third Person POV

"Alright guys, let's get this party started," Mason yells, dragging a blue and white cooler labeled "Hard Lemonade" behind him, followed by six guys carrying a beer keg per pair.

The crowd cheers and claps even though there's already a shit ton of alcohol. There's even two foldable tables lined with strong stuff, like Vodka, Hennesy, Tequila, and Jack Daniel's. Behind each table is a shirtless guy handing out drinks to the party goers.

Jax watches Mason, one of his best mates, make his way around the crowd and in his general direction before being stopped by a short, pale, redhead in barely there shorts and a pink bikini top. She whispers something in his ear and he raises any eyebrow at her. She whispers something else and his face splits into a shit eating grin. He says something to her and runs his hand through his longish blonde hair. One time his sister asked him why he did that whenever he was talking to a girl and he told her it was because it made girls want to run their fingers through it as well, which earned him a slap to the back of his head from his mum.

He says something to the redhead and she starts giggling and nodding enthusiastically before turning away and leaving. Mason makes his way over to Jax, where he stands sipping a beer.

"What's up man," Mason asks, still wearing that shit eating grin.

"Nothing much, what about you? I saw you with that redhead," Jax replies.

"Who Amber?"

"Yeah, you look like the cat that ate the fucking canary right now," Jax says before taking another swallow of his beer.

"Shit man, that girl is freaky as fuck. She just told me to meet with her behind The Shack in an hour for a quickie," Mason says.

Jax just shakes his head as he swallows his last bit of beer. He crushes the can and throws it in the nearest trash bin. "I'm getting another beer, want one," Jax asks.

"I'll come with you, dude. I need something stronger than beer."

Jax nods his head and starts walking, Mason following close behind on his phone texting.

"Tyler said he's on his way. He had to make a couple stops before coming," Mason says, looking up from his phone.

Jax glances at him. "Is he finally gonna bring that girl he's been talking about? What's her name, Lee?" Tyler is also one of Jax's best mates. They'd been best mates since middle school. Even after Tyler moved, they stayed best mates. Recently though, Tyler's been going on and on about some hot, bad ass girl named Lee. Frankly, Jax doesn't believe him, she sounds too good to be true. Tyler claims he's known her for years.

Mason thinks that she exists though, so they made him invite her to the bonfire as proof. They also have a bet going on, one hundred and fifty dollars on whether or not she's real. "Yup, and be ready to pay up too," Mason says smugly, as they reach the make shift bar.

"If you say so," Jax says, grabbing another beer. Jax watches his friend pull out two shot glasses from the bag on his back. Mason pours two shots of tequila and hands one to Jax. Jax sits his unopened beer back down and takes the shot from Mason.

"To having fucking fun," Mason says. Jax repeats and clink his shot glass with Mason's, before they both down the shot.

"Woooo! Alright, let's find some girls and have some fun," Mason shouts.

Blood Still StainsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora