Chapter 16: I Can't

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Michael was walking around the palace thinking about becoming king although he's not really a prince

He said to himself "Neptune wants me to the king, but I don't know anything about being king"

Then Katie, Sean and Zeke came being happy for Michael that the king said he wants Michael to become king when Ella becomes queen

"That's celebrate Michael" said Katie

"Yeah let's do it" said Sean

"Happy Dance" said Zeke

Then they did the happy dance except Michael

Michael sighed and walked away

They stopped and looked at each other

Then Katie said "what's up with him"

"I don't know" said Zeke

They followed Michael

Katie said "Michael is there something wrong"

"Guys I can't" said Michael

"You can't what" said Sean

"Become king" said Michael

"Sure you can, then we can live in the castle and you'll be with Ella the whole time" said Zeke

"Yeah I thought it was the plan" said Sean

"It wasn't the plan guys, I'm serious I can't do it, I don't know how to become king, if I really want to take care of Ella, I should of done it a long time ago" said Michael "If Neptune finds out that it's really me he'll be mad and never be with Ella again"

"What are you talking about Michael, you knew the king ever since he became king" said Sean

"What are going to do" said Katie

"Well" said Michael "I guess I gotta tell Ella the truth about me"

"Michael" called Ella "would you come here"

"Good luck" said Sean

"Alright here it goes" said Michael "Ella, where are you"

Ella said "I'm at the throne room, hurry"

"I'm coming" said Michael as he went to the throne room

"We should probably go" said Katie

"Let's go" said Sean and Zeke

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