8. Imposter in the art classroom

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Opps, I accidently deleted this chapter so I have to re-upload it. Sorry for any inconvenience (:

(Dean’s POV)

“So, what class you headed to?” Dean asked mischievously after he remembered that he had Economics next, a very skippable class (he already knew that the economy had something to do with the government and money and stuff.)

“I’m going to the art block because I have advanced art design next” Castiel informed with a sly smile knowing full well that Dean was clearly up to something just by the look on his face.

“Cool, me too!” The Winchester exclaimed, stretching the truth just a little bit. ‘Economics isn’t even that important’ Dean reasoned with himself, ‘not as important as Cas anyway.’

“You? I don’t mean to sound rude but I just wouldn’t expect Dean Winchester to take art?” Cas wondered aloud, narrowing his eyes at the Winchester suspiciously. 

Dean’s mouth dropped open into a fake offended gasp, “Hey, I could be an excellent drawer for all you know.” The Winchester stretched the truth again; in all honesty stick figures and suns with smiley faces were more his forte. Castiel pouted and nodded before beginning to lead the way to the art block because Dean still didn’t completely know his way around the school yet… let alone to a class that he didn’t really take.

“An excellent drawer, huh?” Castiel quoted Dean, still uncertain if the Winchester was telling the truth about taking art or not but he came to the decision that he would just take Dean’s word on it.

“Yeah, I’ll draw you a picture some time” the Winchester offered with a wink but he secretly wished that Cas wouldn’t remember because he couldn’t draw to save his life. Castiel chucked as he made a mental note for later and when they reached the art block, they both entered through the two double doors and stood in the surprising empty hallway.

“So, what classroom do you have art in?” Cas inquired, as if he was testing Dean. The Winchester bit his lip nervously and looked up at the signs that were hanging out the front of each of the four classrooms, A1, A2, A3 and A4. Dean honestly had no idea.

“…A2” Dean answered with a complete guess, if he was good at math then he would have worked out that he at least had a 25% chance of getting it correct.

“Hmm me too” Castiel mumbled, shocked that Dean had actually got that correct and with that he pushed the remaining doubt to the back of his mind for now. Cas then gave him a soft smile before turning so he could walk towards the door that read ‘A2’. The Winchester fist-pumped the air like an idiot once he realized that his guess was correct then composed himself enough to follow Castiel into the classroom like a normal student.

Castiel laughed to himself about something as he walked past the teacher’s desk and down the row of tables, Dean followed him to two seats at the very back of the classroom. The Winchester was actually surprised by Cas’ choice of seating options; he would have expected him to sit up at the very front of the class because he was clearly so passionate about art but apparently he still likes to sit at the back?


(Castiel’s POV)

Castiel shrugged his trench coat off and gently laid it over the back of his chair before sitting down next to Dean. He reached down to his school bag beside him and grabbed out his art book before blindly sliding it onto the table as he continued to search through the messy bag for his pencil case. After he finally found the pencil case under his lunch box he sat back up in his chair and placed it on the table but now his art book wasn’t where he thought he put it. Castiel looked over the table to see if his book had accidently fallen off the other side but it wasn’t there, he was about to ask Dean to help him look when he noticed that his art book was in the hands of the Winchester.

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