1. New student, Dean Winchester

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Thank you all for checking out my story, I'm really hope I'm going to keep this story going so it'll have like 40-odd chapters when it's finished(: So, I hope you enjoy and I'd love you forever it you read, comment and vote<3! Sorry in advance for all the horrible fan fiction high school cliche's :)


(Dean's POV)

Dean pulled up out the front of the new high school in his father's '67 chevvy impala. He sighed and shook his head as he watched the crowds of teenagers desperately trying to fit in, 'great yet another new school' Dean thought. He liked to think of these times as a 'fresh start' but after so many 'fresh starts' you just start to lose interest.

"I don't want to go in" Sam confessed nervously from the passenger seat. Dean looked over to his little brother and gave him a reassuring smile.

"I know Sammy but dad said this will be the last time... that we won't move anymore." Dean tried to encourage Sam.

"That's not the first time he's said that" Sam mumbled under his breath as he opened the door and climbed out of the car but the older Winchester heard him anyway. As much as Dean wanted to believe his father was telling the truth, he also knew this wouldn't be the last 'fresh start'. He got out of the car, swung his bag over his shoulder and walked around to his little brother.

"It'll be alright" Dean reassured, resting his arm around his brother's shoulder.

Sam stared up at the daunting new school and sighed loudly, "Maybe." Then the school bell rang, piercing the endless gossip and pointless conversations between the hordes of teenagers.

"Just give this school a chance..." Dean pleaded as all the other students started to slowly make their way to class, "For me?" Sam couldn't resist his big brother's goofy smile.

"Okay" He half smiled before waving to his brother and wondering off to find his class. Dean stood in the car-park for a moment; yet again he had to start from the beginning. He pulled the school schedule out of his jean's pocket and looked for the first session on a Monday. 'Shit, Physics.' He groaned and made his way to the science block towards the back of the school.

As Dean entered the classroom he noticed it had your usual suspects, your jocks and popular girls sitting at the back of class, your wannabes sitting in the next row, your artists and musicians sitting in the row after that and the nerds sitting at the very front. Dean barely noticed the little table at the very back of the class where a small guy in a trench coat sat alone. As he stood at the front of the classroom he looked for the empty seats, one next to the jocks and obviously one next to the nerdy guy at the back. As stupid as it was, Dean felt like it was a defining moment for him; sit with the dumb jocks and become another brain dead stupid guy obsessed with sports and chicks or try something new and sit with the other guy? He decided he'd have to be a dumb jock; he was good at fitting in with them guys. But before he could even take a step forward an eccentric older man practically skipped into the classroom.

"Hello everyone! Welcome back to school!" The teacher exclaimed ignoring the chorus of moans and boos that spread through the class. "I love your euthausism" He sarcastically grumbled as he wrote his name on the whiteboard behind him (Mr. Smith). Dean attempted to go sit down next to the jocks again but before he could, Mr. Smith walked over and wraped his arm around the painfully taller student. "We have a new student today, Dean Winchester! I am trusting you will all make him feel welcome and be nice to him" The teacher chirped, never once dropping his smile. Dean looked around the room awkwardly and noticed that everyone was staring at him with bored expressions apart from that one guy in the trench coat who was staring at the book in front of him, drawing. No one actually seemed to care about Dean except the females in the room who smiled seductively and winked at him. The Winchester smiled back to some of the attractive girls before Mr. Smith started to talk again.

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