Broken Promises (Nate)

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I sat there at the table, all by myself, waiting for Nate.

I checked my phone and again no texts from him.

He was two hours late and the resturant was about to close.

I sighed and started getting ready to go. I sat and waited a little longer until the waiter came back.

I looked up at him, tears ready to spill.

I held them in and put a smile on my face.

He gave me a soft smile back and I sat up, getting my wallet out of my purse.

"Can I just get the bill. I don't need to stay here an longer." He looked around before sitting down in front of me.

"Are you okay" I gave this man a confused look.

Yeah he was pretty sexy and whatever but I'm not about to talk to him about my problems.

"I'm fine. Don't you have a job? I mean..."

He smiled and nodded. "I don't mean to intrude and be all up in your business but you've been here for almost three hours. I hope this doesn't sound wierd but I've been watching you." I backed up and he chuckled.

"I mean you sat here, watching the time go by. Whoever stood you up is an idiot. I sound like a creep but trust me I'm not. Your just a very pretty girl who doesn't deserve to be ignored." He got up and walked away.

He soon came back and put the bill on the table. I opened it and saw a napkin with his phone number on it, with the words call me.

I smiled and put the napkin in my bag.

I paid and left, it was already late and I didn't need anything happening.

I pulled into my driveway as I got a call from Nate.

I rolled my eyes and picked it up anyways.

"Y/N I'm so so sor-"I cut him off with a laugh.

"Yeah right. Cut the bullshit, Nate. You promised me you were going to be there. I waited three fucking hours for you, and you didn't even bother to call. Fuck you."

"Babe, I promise that next time I'll be there with you."

I scoffed, "All these promises and you cent even keep one of them. You know how many promises you made thst you broke? Im tired of you promising to be there or you promising that instead of hanging out with her, you'll hang out with me for a change. I'm done, bye"

I hung up and walked into the house. I don't have time for this shit.

Part 2 or nah?

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