Chapter 5

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*Lauren's Pov*

Did Camila just come out to me? Does she know I like her?

The other day she caught me looking at her lips, and I was going to kiss them but I said it was banana. I'm not sure if she wanted me to kiss her or not and we just became friends and I don't want to ruin anything by moving to fast.

God she's just so beautiful. I guess I'll just talk to her in the morning about what she told me. I should talk to her about it before Dinah, Normani, and Ally see that somethings up. I can't keep things to myself to save my life.

I crawled into bed next to Camila. We were facing each other, but she was asleep. I didn't think Camila could look anymore beautiful, but I stand corrected.

I want to tell her that I like her, I just don't know how.


*No ones Pov*

It was now morning.

When Camila woke up Lauren wasn't next to her as she thought she would be.

Camila went downstairs to see that Lauren was in the kitchen cooking breakfast for all of them. She also noticed that Dinah and Normani were on the stools that stood near a countertop connecting to the kitchen.

Dinah was eating strawberry pancakes and Normani was eating blueberry.

"Oh hey you're up!" Lauren said with a smile "I made pancakes assuming you like them,"

"I love them," Camila said.

"I assumed bananas would be okay to go in top of your pancakes?" Lauren asked Camila.

"Yes! I'm in love with mis platanos!" Camila said in Spanglish. (mis platanos=my bananas)

"Okay great! I didn't know you spoke Spanish," Lauren said handing camila the banana pancakes.

"Actually Spanish was my first Language," Camila said.

"Really? So was mine," Lauren replied.

"These are really good Lo," Dinah said and Normani nodded in agreement.

"Thank you," Lauren said.

"Okay, so did you guys want to hang out today?" Lauren said to the girls.

"I can't actually, sorry Lo," Normani replied.

"I have to watch Seth today," Dinah said.

"I'm not busy," Camila said.

"Okay great, we'll find something to do then!" Lauren said as she finished her last bite of her pancakes.

After Normani and Dinah finished breakfast, they got dressed and gathered their belongings. They thanked Lauren for inviting them and for breakfast. Normani and Dinah got into Normani's car, because Dinah's mom won't let her drive, and they left.

"Well I guess it's just the two of us," Lauren said to Camila.

"Yeah I guess so, what did you want to do?" she asked Lauren.

"I was thinking maybe the park or something?" Lauren asked.

"Yeah that seems fun!" Camila said enthused.

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