"Do you want to know about Gamers or about Harry?" Vladimir asked coolly.

Here we go.

"Harry." I answered briefly.

"For starters, I wanna clear things up. You think Vladimir is lame and honestly, me too which is why it isn't my real name. Also, It's not a waste of time nor gas to come here." He started absently before raising his forefinger and then rubbing his temples.

"Okay, Harry Styles a couple of hundred years old, originated from Cheshire. Bit by Geoff Payne who wanted to test a theory. The theory was successful and within days Harry became a Gamer but there was this observer..... Jack?.... John? No, Josh! He didn't know Harry had become a Gamer and he wanted to recruit him and ....uh.... shit happened? Harry's fiancee got killed and Josh teleported and Harry couldn't get him so he's planning a 100+ years revenge plan. That's some background information. Beer?" He said hesitant about some details, as if recollecting his information spiritually.

"....no, thanks. I don't drink." I replied momentarily, reciting everything he said in my head.

"You said this Geoff bit Harry to test a theory. What theory?" I asked, this 'theory' being the only appropriately useful information I could investigate further.

"Oh, he- uh.. had this presumption that free creatures -the ones bit without interference of any venom- aren't free. He believed that they'd become the creature their personality relates to the most, even if they had vast choices. So he bit young, adventurous Harry and gave him the opportunity to choose, and Harry did choose what he was destined to become. Pizza?" He narrated.

For a moment there I thought he said Harry was destined to become Pizza. Punctuation errors.

Honestly, I have so many questions right now. Tops them, is why does he have to offer food and beverages after every answer?

"No, I'm full. Thanks." I declined and he gave me a 'it's your loss' shrug.

"Okay, so Geoff just attacked a kid wandering in the woods?" I asked disbelieving that Harry has ever been a victim of somebody else's actions.

"If you call Harry a kid, then yeah." He replied easily.

"Fine, Enough with the biography. What is he capable of?" That's the important part now.

"Listen, you need to know the basis. There's a pyramid scheme to these supernatural creatures. On top is the ultimate power, the angels, they give orders to a Master of masters, called the Mentor and currently she's a girl named Isabelle Walters, now what Isabelle does is give the orders as they are to the bottom level, the creatures and every creature does his task without customizing or interfering in any details." He explained.

Isabelle Walters. God, I knew it!

"Okay, every creature has a task-" I started but strangely, he cut me off.

"Now, what a Gamer is capable of is a long list of abilities I don't know all of them, only a couple. They can basically do anything. Teleport, shift forms, voices, disappear like camouflage, read your thoughts, know your background, interfere in your vision, dreams and thoughts. Their biggest weapon is words and they're referred to as foxes because of their mastered deception. They're lenient and can become any creature and behold their powers." He listed what I'm sure is just 10% of a thousands.

"Is it possible to be friends with them? Under any circumstances?" I asked hoping it's a yes.

"Of course, if you're friends with a Gamer, you just took over the whole world. They're very loyal and very forgiving and willing to sacrifice anything for you. But beware, you never know if his loyalty is true or just a game." He warned and I couldn't help but tense.

I'm positive he's playing Mia. He's got her wrapped around his bloody tall finger.

"Is there a girl involved?" He casually asked then realized from the offended look on my face that there is.

"Wooooh, spicy!" For God's sake, he's fifty or something.

"Maura? Marilyn? Mia!" He guessed and I sighed, rolling my eyes.

"Back to my question, if every creature has a task they're obliged to do, what's a Gamer's task?" I asked without getting cut off this time.

"Very simple, kill sinners, but of course, not any sinners deserve to die only the killers." He shared and I was baffled for a moment, I couldn't pinpoint what that had to do with me and Mia.

Mia didn't kill anyone as far as I remembered, so all I could hope for until I confront Harry, is that they are friends.

"Thanks, Vladimir." I said mindlessly and stood up.

Strangely, I found my shoulder being held. I turned and looked at him suspiciously.

"Tell Mia, Dave. Tell her you love her before it's too late." He advised endearingly and I nodded quickly and headed out.

Believe me Vladimir, if I could, I would.


Just in case you're wondering, the mentalist referred to is Mark Pellegrino. This fabulous devil ↓↓

 This fabulous devil ↓↓

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