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Zayn: Hey

Zayn: sorry for last night.

Zayn: i didn't know how to cope..so i drank.

Zayn: which is stupid. You didn't like me to drink.

Zayn: So ur gone.

Zayn: It still feels like ur here, but you're just ignoring me. ha.

Zayn: I know I'm not going to get a reply back from you. It's just, maybe up there you see me messaging you. Maybe I'm making you smile. I would hope so.

Zayn: I haven't talked to the guys or perrie or anyone really since what happened.

Zayn: I just want to talk to you.

Zayn: I never knew you loved me.

Zayn: If i knew, i wouldn't have ever left you. I would have kept you closer and told you how i felt.

Zayn: I broke my promise when i said that we will stay friends forever. No matter what.

Zayn: I still remember that day when we pinky promised about that.

Zayn: We were at ur house in ur room.

Zayn: We were watching SpongeBob Squarepants because we were nine.

Zayn: You asked if we would have a friendship like Patrick and spongebob. They sometimes fight and argue, but they still care about each other through everything.

Zayn: I said yes of course. You smiled, then after a couple of hours of staying there i went home.

Zayn: i love you niall.

Zayn: Your lovely irish voice, your sparkly blue eyes, your pale small hands, your soft fake blonde hair, your contagious laugh, your cute red blushy cheeks, your amazing smile.

Zayn: I loved everything about you.

Zayn: I still do.

Delivered at 12:25 pm



Question: What's ur favorite show?

Mine is Celebrity juice. It's a show in the UK, but i can watch episodes on my laptop. It's absolutely hilarious. Thank you one direction for introducing me to new, out of the USA, shows :)

Thanks for reading!

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