Chapter 16: The Dorrito.. || Part 2

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3rd P. O. V.

Loud screams and crashes come from the kitchen, while kitchen supplies and Dipper's hat are thrown outside.

"Ducklings." Mabel and (Y/N) laughed in unison, "Quack quack! Quack quack quack!"

~A Few Minutes Later.. ~

Soos applyed disinfectant to Dipper's wounds while Mabel and (Y/N) apply bandages to Dipper's head.

"Ow, ow!" Dipper winced.

"Swabbing on disinfectant, doo doo doo..." Soos sang.

"Why does Grunkle Stan always pick on me? Think about it! The more painful or difficult the chore is, the more likely it is I'll have to do it. Why doesn't he pick on you guys?" Dipper sighed.

"Dipper, Stan's personality is one of life's great mysteries. Like whether or not it's possible to lick your own elbow." Soos said.

"We bet you can't!" Mabel and (Y/N) betted.

"I bet I can!" Soos tries to lick his elbow while walking away.

"Lick that elbow, lick that elbow!" Mabel and (Y/N) chanted, while following Soos.

"Sometimes I feel like Stan hates me." Dipper looks up to a picture of Stan on the wall.

"The sink's clogged. Dipper, get in here and fix it!" Stan yelled, somewhere in the bathroom.

Dipper growls, grabs his Nyarf dart gun and fires it at the picture.

~Changing Scenes~

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~Changing Scenes~

The scene fades into the same picture of Stan, except with a red "X" painted over his eyes and surrounded by candles.

"You think that combination's safe in your mind, Stanford? We'll see what my new minion has to say about that!" Gideon starts chanting, "Triangulum, entangulum. Vene foris dominus mentium. Vene foris videntis omnium!" (Translation: "Triangle, entangled. Lord of Minds, come to the door. All-seeing one, come to the door!")

Mabel, (Y/N) and Soos headed outside, Soos is still attempting to lick his own elbow, with Mabel & (Y/N) still chearing him on.

"Lick that elbow! Lick that elbow!" (Y/N) & Mabel chanted.

"Like the infinite horizon, it eludes my grasp." Soos stated.

They hear Gideon laughing.

"Is that who I think it is?" (Y/N) asked.

Mabel, (Y/N) and Soos walk toward some bushes and spotted Gideon.

"Egassem sdrawkcab. egassem sdrawkcab. Egassem sdrawkcab! Egassem sdrawkcab! Egassem sdrawkcab!" Gideon grunted, clasping his stomach and his eyes glow blue.

The background turns black and white, wildlife pauses in midair. A Dorrito Cyclops appears.

"Oh, oh, Gravity Falls! It is good to be back. Name's Bill Cipher, and I take it you're some kind of living ventriloquist dummy? " The Illuminacho laughed, "I'm just kidding, I know who you are, Gideon!"

'W-what are you? H-how do you know my name?" Gideon stuttered.

"Oh, I know lots of things!" The Cyclops body shows pictures of various cryptic locations, "LOTS OF THINGS..."

"Hey, look what I can do!" Bill gestured toward a deer, the deer's teeth then fly into his hand. He gives the teeth to Gideon, "Deer teeth! For you, kid!"

"You're insane!" Gideon cries out in shock and drops teeth on the ground.

"Sure I am, what's your point?" Bill puts teeth back in deer's mouth and the deer runs away.

"Listen to me, demon! I have a job for you. I need you to enter the mind of Stanford Pines and steal the code to his safe." Gideon commanded.

Mabel, (Y/N) & Soos gasped.

"Wait... Stan Pines?" Bill's body shows pictures of Stan and his tattoo, "You know what, kid? You've convinced me! I'm sold! I'll help you with this and in return you can help me with something I've been working on! We'll work out the details later."

"Deal!" Gideon agreed.

Bill's hand light up blue fire and he shakes hands with Gideon, "Well, time to invade Stan's mind! This should be fun! Remember: reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, bye!" Bill disappears.

Gideon, Mabel, (Y/N) and Soos woke up and rubbed their eyes.

"It worked!" Gideon laughs maniacally.

Your P. O. V.

"It worked!" Gideon laughed maniacally.

"Oh no! What are we gonna do?" Mabel panicked.

'Why did that Cyclops looked familiar??'


Yay! A new update :3

Hope you guys enjoyed! (`∀')


The Lost Child || A Dipper x Demon! ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora