Chapter 2: The Sleepover

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Mabel's P.O.V.

"I'M SO EXCITED!!" my eyes started to sparkle, "A NEW FRIEND IS COMING OVER FOR MY SLEEPPOVER!".

Dipper was outside the forest, hammering signs to make more tourists come here.

Candy, Grenda, (Y/N) & I will be having a blast!


'SHE'S HERE!!' I rushed to the door and quickly opened it.

I saw (Y/N) with her stuff. And a cute Teddy Bear.

"WELCOME NEW FRIEND!" I exclaimed.

She smiled and entered.

Your P.O.V.

I arrived at the Shackand rang the doorbell.

I heard footsteps and the door swung open.

"WELCOME NEW FRIEND!" Mabel exclaimed.

She noticed my Teddy Bear, but I didn't mind.

I smiled then entered.

~Time Skip Brought To You~ ~By Author-Chan~

We started the sleepover with Truth or Dare.

"Mabel, Truth or Dare?" I asked.

"Dare!!" she said.

"Okay," I thought, "I dare you to.. eat Smile Dip!" I said as I brought out packs of Smile Dip.

"Woah! I thought these were extinct!" Mabel said while staring at it, "How many packs should I eat then?".

"As much as you can eat!"

"Yes!!" Mabel quickly opened a pack of Smile Dip, she brought out the stick but she threw it away then ate the whole pack.

I heard someone entering the Shack. I quickly went out of the room while Candy & Grenda watch Mabel.

I walked downstairs with my Yellow PJs on. I went to the living room and saw Dipper reading some sort of book.

I quickly snuck behind him. "Boo...!" I whispered.

Dipper screamed, dropped the book and fell down.

I picked up the book. The front cover had six fingers and a 3 inside it. I opned it and saw a bunch of monsters.

"Interesting.." I scanned the book. Dipper got up.

"W-where's the Journal?!" He looked up at me while I was scanning.

"Give it back (Y/N)... please?!" Dipper pleaded.

"Not until you explain all of this to me!" I said.

"Fine..!" He sat next to me and explained everything.

"I knew there was something strange about this town!" I said.

"Why are you here anyway? Aren't you having a sleepover with Mabel and her friends?" Dipper wondered/asked.

'OMG! MABEL!!!' I suddenly realized.

"Thanks for reminding me! Bye!" I ran upstairs. I heard Dipper saying something but I ignored it.

I went inside the room and saw Mabel, her pupils growing big and Smile Dip drooling out of her mouth.

"Mabel, how many did you eat?!" I asked worriedly.

"Eleven-..teen" she said.

'This is gonna be a long night.'

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